Ramon Reina thanks the Virgin for getting free out of prison.
December 21, 2010
Chalco, Mexico
Ramon Reina was held on suspicion of murder of a 30-year-old woman. Thanks to the Virgin.
Ramon Reina thanks the Virgin for getting free out of prison.
December 21, 2010
Chalco, Mexico
Ramon Reina was held on suspicion of murder of a 30-year-old woman. Thanks to the Virgin.
Retablo by David Mecalco
Señora Maria thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for her husband Antonio didn’t lose his arm when he cut himself with the knife while working in the butcher shop. She brings this retablo in gratitude.
December 12, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Virgin of Guadalupe, thanks to you my buddy Rayo de Jalisco (“Lightning from Jalisco”) and I could win the fight over the Demon I and the Demon II.
El Santo
Mexico City, 1965
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
My son Tamarindo has a giant iguana. Look after him when he plays with it. Thank you.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
That evening we were visited by the birdmen. Thank to the Virgin, they didn’t hurt us.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Look after my grand-children, Holy Virgin. The mother doesn’t let them go outside so they play on the roof.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The girl Mirel is very hardworking. Look after her, Virgin.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Thanks for saving my two-headed dog.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
We bought a couple of piglets at the San Pedro fair almost for nothing, because they were sickly and weak. But we nursed and cured them. They grew up big pigs. Thank to the Holy Virgin they had a lot of piglets. So now, our little farm is prospering, and we thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for her blessing.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I went to the desert to eat some peyote. Suddenly I saw a monster approaching to me. I was scared to death, but then the monster started talking with me about the life, the love and the beauty. His words came out from his mouth as colorful flowers. I wasn’t thinking about him as a monster anymore, but as an enlightened being. I felt myself happy and calm, and this feeling didn’t leave for months after that. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this amazing experience.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for protecting us. A cold morning caught us in the mountains near by Gabriel Hernandez. My friend Miguel and I put a fire in a cave. We were talking when suddenly bullets began to fly out the fire. They were firing in all directions, and one hit me. Thank goodness, we managed to get in time to my friend who was a doctor.
Victor Tostado
Mexico City, 1956
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
My daughter’s suitors were getting stranger and stranger. I doubted if they were from this planet. Thanks to the Virgin, now she’s dating a nice guy who looks normal.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe, because despite our poverty we always have food on our table and there is a lot of love in our life.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar