Virgin of Zapopan

Martin Gonzalez was passionate about marine biology. He thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because he discovered a giant crab while diving. Moreover he managed to take a photograph of the crab and to study it.

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The little girl Rosita Morena gives thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan for curing her kitten who was so sad and didn’t even wanted to play with the yarn that it liked very much.

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Thank you, Virgin, because the spaceship didn’t abduct the children and only illuminated them with light beams.

Rosendo Lopez, 1971

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My wife started to snore and I had no sleep for a few nights. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan and she mercifully heard my prayers. My wife was given some herbs for tea in the market and after that she stopped snoring. I give thanks for that.

Jesus Perez Rosas

My cousin and I discovered a place where the mermaids reunited. We noticed that they always returned over there to chat and play. So we had the idea to rent boats and bring tourists to look on the mermaids. Our business is going very well because everybody in the world wants to see such a wonderful show. And it seems we don’t bother the mermaids very much. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for making us rich.

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The Reyes brother hated me because of the quarrel about borders of our lands. One day they made an ambush to kill me when I would ride my horse near by. But the Virgin of Zapopan always protected me and that day she gave wings to my horse. The horse galloped faster than ever before. I arrived to the village and hid in the church. So I saved my life.

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The Lopez sisters watched a horror movie in the cinema. And after, on their way home, they met a nagual in an alley. They thank the Virgin of Zapopan because with her protection they managed to run away from the spell of this horrifying monster.

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The dog of my neighbors had puppies. But after they were given away the dog was disconsolate. So when she saw my baby sunbathing in our yard she thought it was one of her puppies. And she took the baby with her. I give thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan because I noticed it in time before the dog would feed my little girl with a dog milk.

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My daughter Sofia had a high fever, and I prayed to the Virgin for her recovery. I felt so tired so I fell asleep. Suddenly I was awakened by a soft flap of wings. I saw many little shining angels around my daughter’s bed. I thought it was a dream but next morning my baby had no fever and even asked for a breakfast. Then I was sure that it was a miracle of the Virgin who sent her angels to heal the girl. I give thanks to the Virgin.

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My husband brought home a mermaid, and I was very jealous because he didn’t give me attention at all. One day, when he went for work and the mermaid was still sleeping in her pond, I caught her with a net and threw this damned sardine into the sea. I thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because now my hubby gives me more attention.

On Sunday, at the dawn, I waked up frightened. I was in anxiety. It made me go to the kitchen where I suddenly heard a baby crying. I came in the yard and there I saw an abandoned baby. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan, I didn’t wake up later when the baby would have been dead from cold and hunger. Instead, now this baby is my joy.

My sons’ dog liked to go on trips with them. But because it is very fat and clumsy one day it stubbled and fell. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the boys saved the dog and the poor animal wasn’t hurt too much.

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