Virgin of Zapopan

May 24, 1951, in the morning, Jasinto Diaz was delivering bread, and he was hit by a car. He thanks the Virgin of Zapopan for he is recovering and for his legs didn’t get hurt.

I was very fat, and my cousins kept telling me that I wouldn’t get married with such weight. But I didn’t lose my faith in the Holy Virgin, and thanks to her one of the most handsome guys fell in love with me, and I with him. After beautiful engagement, we got married. He thinks I’m the most beautiful woman in the whole world. We are very happy together, and a lot of love even helped me to lose some weight, but it really doesn’t matter to him.

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My conscience wasn’t so clear, but when one night I woke up and saw some little devils jumping around me, I prayed to the Virgin telling her that my sins weren’t so big that it would be a case for the devil. Nevertheless, I promised her to be a better person. Thanks to the Virgin I haven’t seen any devils since. And I behave better now.

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My son David became a good for nothing hippy. He spent days smoking stinking cigarettes. I suspect it was marijuana. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that she would bring him to reason. Thanks to her he got a scholarship in the capital. Now he’s a good man.

My son Miguelito was blown away from my hands by a strong wind. My son is small and light so he was carried up in the air. But thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan we caught him.

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A dog chased a group of girls from the Saint Martin school. Then the dog bit them. The mothers of the girls thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the dog was caught and the examination showed it wasn’t rabid.

Zapopan — August 4, 1963

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August 2, 1959, the dog of the little girl Angelita Torres was hit by a car. The dog was badly injured, but the girl prayed about it to the Virgin of Zapopan. The Merciful Virgin heard her prayers. Angelita thanks.

My wife heard the rumor that I flirted with the drugstore employee. My wife got furious from the jealousy and tried to kick me out. Only thanks tho the Holy Virgin of Zapopan I managed to calm her and convinced her that it was only a slander from some gossipy old woman.

Amalita Moreno had some refreshments in the garden, when the cat push a flowerpot down on her. The pot hit her on the head. Her vision became blurry and she started seeing double. She prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for not going blind. Her prayers were heard and the same week she could see without problems.

My old shoes’ soles were cracking. Since it had been raining for a few hours, I didn’t want to ruin my new shoes, so I decided to wear my husband’s boots. But they were so big, that I stumbled and fell in a puddle. I hit my back, and it was so painful. I was scared that I’d be bedridden for the rest of my life. My prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan were heard though, and I recovered pretty soon.

My donkey Jasinto and I became to old, so nobody gave us job anymore. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for not letting us die from hunger. When we were at the hills we found some apricot trees loaded down with fruits. We took some to sell at the town market. We were coming back every week to gather more apricots, and it seemed that they were not coming to an end. Quite the contrary, there were even more apricots. I even left some fruits to myself, in case that one day we might run out of fruits. We thank the Virgin for these wonderful trees.

My TV began to have a lot of static. It was impossible to watch it. I went up to the roof to see what happened to the TV antenna. There I discovered a lot of martians. They had landed on my roof and used the antenna as surveillance tower. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for my cat is very curious. It followed me, and when the martians saw the cat, they escaped out of fear of being eaten. Now my TV works better than ever.

August 25, 1953, Manuel Gonzalez was hit by a car. His mother, doña Luz, entrusted him to the saint patroness, the Virgin of Zapopan, so that he wouldn’t die. Thanks to the Virgin, her son is recovering.

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