Virgin of Zapopan

The day when we married, we were so happy that when we came out of the church, we took our hands and we just ran away leaving all the people behind. There were just the two of us loving each other so much. We thank to the Virgin of Zapopan for our great love and happiness that even birds came to the church singing for us.

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Granddaughter of doña Cleotilde Reyes is a very restless child. And at her saint’s day she spilt on herself the boiled stew that was on the stove. Her grandmother thanks the Virgin because her granddaughter Marianita didn’t burn herself very badly.

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I was very irritable and quick-tempered. I argued and shouted, and it upset my husband. Therefore my marriage was under threat. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan who gave me the idea of channeling my anger into a pair of knitting needles. Now when I feel that I’m getting angry, I run and grab the knitting and knit furiously. I’ve already knitted sweaters and scarves for the whole family and even for our cats and dog, and I’m still knitting. Now, thanks to this, I can almost always be sweet with my husband and my family.

I love to spoil my cats and to give them nutritious and tasty food. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for having such a sweet and indulgent family who lets the cats eat at table.

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The kitchen was filled with rats, and my friends refused to visit me. I was very ashamed so I prayed a novena to the Virgin of Zapopan. On the ninth day the Holy Virgin worked the miracle, and the rats disappeared and never came back again. Now I can receive guests again.

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My sons’ dog liked to go on trips with them. But because it is very fat and clumsy one day it stubbled and fell. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the boys saved the dog and the poor animal wasn’t hurt too much.

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My son Arturo became a sleep-walker since his father had gone to work in Morelia. Arturo went opening drawers and closets and seeking and raking about. I was desperate, and I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, because I was afraid my son would become a real thief. The Virgin heard my prayers, and August 18, 1940, my husband came back home. And my boy got cured from his illness right away. I thank for that.

My daughters were playing hide and seek and got lost in the burnt forest. They were afraid because everything around was back and dead. But suddenly hundreds butterflies appeared and began to fly around my daughters. The girls followed them and got out the forest. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this miracle.

When I became a widow, I decided to get retired. I devoted myself to embroider and to care about my dogs. But one day the devil appeared and whispered in my ear some sinful ideas. Then I started to look with lust at the pharmacist Manuel and even on our priest. When I realized my distress, I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan. Thanks to her inspiration I accepted the doctor Vazquez’ marriage proposal. Now I think only about him. And I thank the Holy Virgin for saving me from the devil.

A worker from the don Alejandro’s banana plantation was stung by a venomous snake. The doctor from the hacienda told that he had small chances to survive. But thanks to the prayers of Ana Luisa Hernandez, the wife of the worker, the Virgin of Zapopan saved his life.

My son Paco had a fever. He had hallucinations with skeletons that were flying around him. They laughed and wanted to take him with them. I was scared and I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, so she would bring down his temperature.Finally she heard my prayers. Paquito had no more fever and even started to eat. I give thanks to the Holy Virgin.

The evening of July 24, 1953, Antonio Ramos went swimming after eating too much. He had a congestion and started to drown. Thank to the Virgin of Zapopan he was saved in time by some fishermen. Now he is alright, and he thanks the Virgin.

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My cousin and I discovered a place where the mermaids reunited. We noticed that they always returned over there to chat and play. So we had the idea to rent boats and bring tourists to look on the mermaids. Our business is going very well because everybody in the world wants to see such a wonderful show. And it seems we don’t bother the mermaids very much. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for making us rich.

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