— tagged with “bed”

I thought my husband snored a lot. I couldn’t stand this noise. But one day when my husband was away I heard the same snore. I looked under my bed in fear and found out it was a house demon who slept calmly and snored with all his might. I sprinkled some holy water under the bed, and the devil ran away frightened. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the devil didn’t come back. My husband is also grateful to the Virgin because he thought that it was me who snored.

Retablo by

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My son Miguel got ill with a fever. I was worried because he didn’t get better. I started praying to the Virgin of San Juan. The night, she sent her angels to blow over my son’s bed so that the fever would go away. I saw them in my dream, and then my son woke up fresh and healthy.

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Arturo Vasquez was lying ill in his bed when suddenly everything in the room got up in the air and started floating around. The cats got wings and began flying. His bed was floating too. Arturo felt giddiness and asked the Virgin to put everything down.

The Virgin had mercy upon him and made so he woke up in his bed. Although the cats were still flying, Arturo wasn’t. He thanks the Virgin for that.

My husband got ill, and the doctor said that he must stay in bed until he cured. My life became a real night,are. He asked me to bring him in bed some absurd things and after a while he didn’t need them anymore. Or he asked me to cook for him some complicated dishes, but then he left almost everything untouched. I couldn’t sleep because he wanted something even at night. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because his illness didn’t last for long and he can get up now.

When I came back from my mother I found martians sleeping in my bed. They got drunk after the lemonade and fell asleep. I screamed in fear, and they awoke. They escaped through the window and ran to their ship, picking all the lemons from the trees by their way. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the martians didn’t do anything to me.

One night two she-devils appeared in our bedroom. They certainly came to take my husband with them because he’s a gambler, drinker and womanizer. I was angry and scared. So I took the rosary and prayed the Virgin of Zapopan for protection. Thanks to Virgin’s power the she-devils disappeared and only left a sulphur smell in the room. I thank the Virgin for my husband didn’t wake up during this because he is very naughty and would’ve certainly gone with them.

I was in my bed with a light fever. Suddenly I saw skeletons around me. They began to perform a complex choreography and asked me to join their absurd dance. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe so she would save me from dancing skeletons and would drive them away. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them turned out that the Virgin worked the miracle. I was in my bed feeling much better, and my illness was gone.

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The Carlota Valdez’s house was filled with bats. They were flying over her bed and brought her nightmares. Carlota was scared that they might be vampires and could suck her and her cat’s blood and that she and her cat would become living dead for ever. Carlota was so distressed, she prayed Saint Quiteria for protection. The saint worked the miracle, and the bats flew to live in another place. Carlota thanks for that with this retablo.

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I began to see a strange dream in which my cat would go up to the Moon and I would have to climb after him by an infinite ladder. The worst part was that I woke up totally worn out in with a plan in my legs as if I really climbed the ladder all night long. I thank the Virgin of San Juan who gave me an idea to take my cat to sleep with me in my bed. It’s a much more comfortable place than the Moon. Now I wake up well-rested and don’t see this strange dream anymore.

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I thought my husband snored a lot. I couldn’t stand this noise. But one day when my husband was away I heard the same snore. I looked under my bed in fear and found out it was a house demon who slept calmly and snored with all his might. I sprinkled some holy water under the bed, and the devil ran away frightened. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the devil didn’t come back. My husband is also grateful to the Virgin because he thought that it was me who snored.

I’m a very liberal man and—I may confess—I’m a very good at performing the ballads. I do it with sensuality. But when after my concert on the Day of the Dead three skeletons came to my bedroom I had enough. Also I got scared and prayed Saint Michael the Archangel for help. Thanks to the Archangel the skeletons were satisfied with a couple of songs and my autographs on their CDs. I literally had to push them out because they wanted to kiss me goodbye.

Carlota Valdez fell ill with fever. The night she felt pricks. She saw a lot of little red devils. They jumped on her bed and pricked her with their tridents. Carlota thought it was the end and the devils came after her because she used to gossip a lot with her friend Lupe. Carlota prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan promising not to gossip again if the Virgin would save her. The Virgin sent a ray of light that frightened the devils. They disappeared, and the next morning Carlota woke up alive and feeling better.

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