— tagged with “bed”

Seferino Valderrama fell asleep with a cigarette. In his dream he saw the Virgin of Zapopan who told him “Wake up, my son! You’re in danger!” He woke up and saw that his blanket was on fire. He ran to the kitchen for water and extinguished the fire. He thanks for this amazing miracle with this retablo.

January 25, 1943

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My wife loves the cats. She brings every stray cat she found to our house. It’s not that I don’t like that cats. But she let them sleep in our bedroom. They don’t sleep a lot, they play and always wake me up. When I get ready at mornings I find my clothes covered in their hair. I thank Saint Francis of Assisi because my wife finally understood that the cats can’t sleep with us. So now I sleep perfectly.

I used to have horrible nightmares with demons in the darkness surrounding me. I prayed to my Guardian Angel, and one night I had a dream with an angel who appeared from the darkness holding a sword in his left hand. He cut the darkness, and the light went through it. The demons, taken by surprise, rushed from under my bed and disappeared. I thank my Guardian Angel because after that night I have only pleasant and light dreams.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my buddy forgave me after catching me with his wife in their bed. I ask for your forgiveness but I couldn’t resist.

Mexico, 1970

My friend and I thank the Virgin of Carmen for saving us from my wife who wanted to kill us only because she caught us in the bed.

Luisa and Antonio
Oaxaca, 1976

One month after our house had been invaded by rats, my husband brought a cat to catch them. However the cat slept in our bed because he was scared of rats. And I didn’t even go to bathroom at night because I was scared they would bite me. Then I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for help. And I saw the miracle with my eyes. The rats got in a line, left the house and didn’t come back.

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Saint Jude Thaddeus, I thank you for saving me from a difficult situation, so I could hide myself and my buddy didn’t catch me with his wife in his bed. I offer this retablo for he didn’t find out that we cuckolded him. I swear I’d never do it again. Forgive me for the body is weak.

May 28

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I wasn’t a good person in the past year. I spread scandal rumors <…> One night many devils started to come out from under my bed <…> I thank the Virgin of the Solitude and promise to be a good person.

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Ana Luisa Gutierrez was very ill and saw the death near her bed. She asked the Black Christ for mercy and saw how the crucifix over her started to glow. Suddenly came an angel sent by the Lord to stop the death. Day after she woke up in good health. She thanks for it.

November 29, 1977

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My husband liked to eat in bed while watching TV. It bothered me because he left crumbs and left-overs on the sheets. One warm night we left the window opened and a lot of squirrels came to our room. They started to eat the left-overs. I was nervous and began to scream like crazy. My husband chase the squirrels away and closed the window. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because after that my husband stopped eating in bed. And now is very comfortable to sleep without crumbs.

I give thanks and dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Candelaria. Since my boyfriend left me no man looked at me. But now every morning when I wake up there is a very handsome older man near my window who stares at me.

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Juaquina P. was almost caught by her husband while chatting in private with a friend. Since her husband was very jealous, she hid the friend under the bed and entrusted herself to Saint Raymond. As it all ended well, she brings this retablo in gratitude.

Mexico City, 1925

Thank you, The Holy Child of Atocha, because my old man Aron Recendiz didn’t noticed Sancho under the bed. He pulled out his gun but, because he is cross-eyed, he didn’t see anyone.

Norma Angelica Nava
Mexico, 3 December 1975