— tagged with “chupacabra”

I thank my Virgin of Guadalupe with this exvoto for helping me and for giving me courage because I suddenly heard my chicken very unquiet. I came out and saw a huge and horrible beast that tried to eat them. I’m a widow and these chicken are my only livelihood, and I also sell eggs to my neighbors. Fortunately, I chased the horrible beats away.

Jasinta Salazar
The Miracle ranch, Jalisco, May 6, 1987

The Carrion sisters were passing by the market when suddenly they an enormous creature appeared to them. It seems like it came from the inferno, with a red hair, big claws and teeth, enormous blue eyes filled with evil and fury. When we started to ran away and scream we implored the Brown-skin girl of Tepeyac to protect us and let us come out alive from this misfortune. That moment the beast stopped chasing us, we ran to the church doors and took shelter there. They say they call this demon chupacabra in the region.

San Ignacio de los Valles, 1990

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We found a headless dove without blood on the set. It wasn’t a witchcraft but an extraterrestrial Peruvian chupacabra that drowned in the lake afterwards. I dedicate this retablo to Saint Genesius for saving our play.

Kumiko Aparicio Bilchir ~ Xochimilco, 2020

The other day I went to see my animals in the corral. To my fright I found several goats dead. I remembered the people in the town spoken about the Chupacabra going loose. I fervently asked Saint Benedict to protect my cattle, and thanks to his divine help this horrible scene never happened again.

Carmelo Armenta ~ Paracuaro, Michoacan

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Eulalia Tepox heard a noise late at night. It was coming from a henhouse. She grabbed a pistol and went out. There she saw a horrible being—the Chupacabra—who had killed 80 of her chicken. Eulalia started shooting at it but with no result. The monster ran away. Then doña Eulalia entrusted herself to Saint John the Baptist and now thanks for delivering her from a bigger evil. She brings this as her testimony.

San Juan Cuatlancingo, Cholula, 1973

Thanks to the Virgin a chupacabra that appeared during the hour of our meal fife’t hurt us.

Maria Peña, 1970

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Jasinta Ramos brings this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan thanking her because the chupacabra left her in peace.

Tepiaca, 1987

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Renata Menendez was suffering from the chupacabra. She asked the Magi to protect her. She brings this retablo as gratitude.

Tehuacan, 1949

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I give thanks to the Holy Wrinkled Child for helping me to kill the chupacabra that was eating my sheep and almost ravaged my ranch.

Lupe Jares, 1996

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It was getting dark. I went with my wife Lupita in the field to scrape the agave and gather the maguey sap with the acocote. Suddenly we noticed a horrible animal with wings and long teeth. It wanted to attack us. We entrusted ourselves to the Holy Child of Atocha so that he would protect us. Thank God we managed to escape.

Zitacuaro, Michoacan
May 3, 1985

Federico Aguilar Aguascalientes

Thank you, God, for saving us from the chupacabra.

Acocote is a long gourd pointed at both ends, used in Mexico for extracting the nectar of the maguey.