— tagged with “theatre”

I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank the Lord of Chalma for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.

Cirilo Reyes, Mexico City

We found a headless dove without blood on the set. It wasn’t a witchcraft but an extraterrestrial Peruvian chupacabra that drowned in the lake afterwards. I dedicate this retablo to Saint Genesius for saving our play.

Kumiko Aparicio Bilchir ~ Xochimilco, 2020

Saint Genesius of Rome, patron saint of actors and actresses, allow us to make a play about Frida in June and make the industry recover quickly after the COVID-19 crisis.

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When Serafin Gonzalez was playing an archangel in the Nativity play in the church, and the rope that held him broke down and he fell hitting his head. His mother, doña Clara, thanks the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for her son didn’t kill himself.

I, Gabriela Magdala Lopez Ramirez, want to thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for all her favors received during 2019. I almost went crazy from the headache and anxiety attacks, but I managed to calm my mind by praying so my swim ring didn’t blow up. Thanks to the Brown-skin girl I got new jobs—one on TV and I staged my play in the theatre. Also our Union of Artistic Associations got bigger and better. Thanks from the heart.

December 2019

Federico Ramos got the lead role in a theatre play. He thanks Saint Bruno with this retablo and promises to do his best.

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I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank Saint Michael the Archangel for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.

Carmelo Rodriguez
Toluca, State of Mexico

My son Jose was playing an angel in a school play, and his rope broke down. He fell down, hit his head and lost his conscience. When he woke up he decided he was really an angel. I payed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that my son came back to his senses. Three days later, the Virgin worked a miracle and Jose got his memory back. I thank the Virgin because otherwise his behavior was very dangerous while he was being an angel—he was constantly trying to fly off the roof.

I dedicate this retablo to Saint Francis of Paola because at my debut night in the Savoy theatre I was frightened that there was no one in the audience. But it turned out that a very famous producer Andres M*ta bought up all tickets to my show and I had to perform only for him. Don Andres promised me that I’ll be a star and would have a tremendous success.

Yessica Mendoza was hired to act in a play where she had to go on stage naked. She thanks Saint Martha for overcoming her fear, and now in fact the play is very successful.

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