Cirilo Cañete was in a bar when he felt a terrible aching pain in his stomach. It felt so bad he even cried. He gives infinite thanks to Saint Jude because he got cured after he went to poo.
Puebla, 1915
— tagged with “feces”
Cirilo Cañete was in a bar when he felt a terrible aching pain in his stomach. It felt so bad he even cried. He gives infinite thanks to Saint Jude because he got cured after he went to poo.
Puebla, 1915
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Rita because now, when I’ve been transferred to another department, my old boss would never find out that it was I who, in revenge, used to put dog shit on his desk.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Victor C. and Cristina M. wanted each other very much, but they didn’t have money for the hotel so they made love in the pigeonry. They infinitely thank Saint Francis for nobody noticed them, although it wasn’t very pleasant because of too much pigeon poo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
History. Art. Retablos.
A teacher Nicolasa Guzman brings this retablo to Saint John Bosco giving him infinite thanks for her pupils didn’t notice that she had diarrhea and even dropped some poop.
Puebla, 1949
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Enrique Fernandez was shitting under a tree, and suddenly a honeycomb fell on his head. He brig this retablo to Saint Jerome thanking him for surviving many stings, although everybody laughs at him.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Señora S. T. was having sex with her partner when she suddenly got an uncontrollable diarrhea and smeared everything around. She thanks Saint Maroun because the man was understanding and didn’t dump her. She promises to not eat too much street junk-food anymore.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Marcelo Gutierrez was repairing a toilet drainage when suddenly a stream of dirty water hit him in the face. He thanks Saint Elias with this retablo for he didn’t caught any serious infection.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Sara Gonzalez gossiped a lot. And one day her neighbor smeared the Sara’s face with shit. That gave her an eye infection. She thanks Saint Raymond for her recovery and promises to reform.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My neighbor’s dog used to shit on my lawn until I hit him in the mouth. So now he walks his pest in the park and pick up its surprises. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for forgiving my bad action.
Retablo by Blakkie
The young man Francisco Garcia thanks Saint Francis because he got a job in the sewer cleaning at the capital. The thing are going well, although he often finds dead animals and sometimes even human corpses.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Humberto Galindo was drunk. He went to the latrine and fell down. He thanks Saint Charbel because he escaped with nothing worse than a fright and had no infection. Although he smelled of shit for two days.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Artemia Santoyo dropped her wedding ring into a toilet bowl in public restroom. She thanks the Virgin of the Solitude because she managed to get it back, although she had to put her hand into poop and she hurt her finger.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández