One night, after a year of disappearance, my girlfriend came back converted in a spider. With your help, I accepted her again.
— tagged with “spiders”
One night, after a year of disappearance, my girlfriend came back converted in a spider. With your help, I accepted her again.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
A giant spider used to build his web over my bed every night, and it looked me down with its devil eyes. At the mornings there was no spider. I cleaned up the web, but the next night it started all over again. Finally, after many prayers to Saint Barbara, I had a dream in which the saint pierced the spider with her sword. So the next night the spider didn’t come. I thank for that.
Valentina Suarez, November 3, 1946
Xalapa, Mexico
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Bonifacio Menendes had a great fear of spiders. One day many of them appeared in his room. His implored Saint Patrick, and all the spiders disappeared. He fervently thanks for this favor.
Puebla, 1928
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Juana Cisneros brings this retablo giving thanks for she wasn’t bitten by a giant spider with a woman face. It looked very horrifying but nothing happened to me.
Irapuato, 1939
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
My son Raulito swallowed a spider that seemed to be a very poisonous one. Only by a wonderful miracle of the Holy Virgin of San Juan nothing serious happened to my boy and he only got a stomach pain for a little while.
May 3, 1959
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for saving us from a giant spider at the kitchen.
Virginia Salina
Necaxa — July 18, 1940
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
The girl Maruja Perez was afraid of spiders. She entrusted herself to Saint Nicholas and overcame this fear. Now when she founds a spider in her room she has no fear. She’s infinitely grateful for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My son went to visit his grandfather in his village for a couple of days. He brought back a box full of the most disgusting creatures in the world. As soon as he opened the box, they ran out all around the house. I prayed Saint Francis for help because I didn’t want to find art or a spider in my bed. The saint made the miracle and chased all the creatures away, although my son got really upset they’d gone and he couldn’t find them.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Gregorio Meneses was sleeping why he felt something weird. He switched on the light and saw himself surrounded by enormous spiders. He entered into panic. He thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus for surviving this scare, and now he’s going through therapy.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Enrique A. thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because he finally managed to overcome his arachnophobia, with help of a very good therapist.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Roberta Navas met the Spider Woman. She wanted to take me to her cave but I hid myself and ran away.
Zacatecas — July 10, 1939
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Bless you God and my Virgin of Guadalupe for helping my son when he sat out in our garden and was attacked by some tarantulas. Good thing nothing happened, he just got scared.
Amalia Lopez and boy Juanito
Beautiful beach “La Perla”
May 2, 1986
Retablo by Unknown artist #1
Javier Ochoa was arranging bananas in the supermarket, and he was bitten by a banana spider. Javier thanks Saint Jude for he was taken to a doctor and saved in time.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández