Pedro Villanueva, professional veterinary, thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because his dream finally came true—to take care and protect jaguars in their natural habitat.
— tagged with “veterinaries”
Pedro Villanueva, professional veterinary, thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because his dream finally came true—to take care and protect jaguars in their natural habitat.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My daughter Laura loves to care about animals. Since she was little she fed all the stray cats and dogs that she found. She would’ve adopted them all, if I had permitted her. I think that being a veterinary is her vocation. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because my husband has a good job and we can pay for her studies in the University to become a certificated veterinary.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My dog was very hungry because with so many work to do I forgot to feed it. The animal pulled the mushroom soup on the floor and ate a lot of it. But afterwards it got sick. It seems there was a poisonous mushroom in the soup. I thanks Saint Paschal for the pet doctor gave serum and other medicine to the dog and saved the animal. Because the dog keeps my company and I love it very much—almost like my children.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
The Garcia Medina family thanks the Holy Spirit for healing their favorite cow. The vet told them that the cow was going to die, but it got cured.
October 17, 1954
Retablo by Medora García
My dog was very hungry because with so many work to do I forgot to feed it. The animal pulled the mushroom soup on the floor and ate a lot of it. But afterwards it got sick. It seems there was a poisonous mushroom in the soup. I thanks Saint Paschal for the pet doctor gave serum and other medicine to the dog and saved the animal. Because I love this dog very much and it keeps my company.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank God for helping me to cure the sick animals that people bring to me. I always entrust myself to St. Anthony the Great, and thank to him I have patience to foster the sick.
Dr. Samuel Contreras
January 22, 1982
It’s Anthony the Great in the caption, but Anthony from Padua on the picture.
Retablo by Unknown artist #1
Some tourists hit a poor donkey who had been lost and were wandering alone. But they thought it was the Hernandez brothers’ donkey. They took him to the vet and paid a compensation to the brothers. The brothers thank the Virgin of San Juan because now the donkey is feeling well and also they have bought another one with the compensation money. So now they have two donkeys to carry wood and fruits to town.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar