Maya Prieto Salazar

On August 21, 1956 when the couple Salinas Duran were going back to their ranch they were attacked by bandits. Don Jesus and his driver were severely wounded. Doña Maria Salinas and Rosa Perez gives tanks to the Virgin of Rosary because theirs husbands didn’t die from blood loss and now they are recovering.

Raul and Carlitos Lopez saved a kitten who fell down in a well. They thank the Holy Virgin of San Juan because the kitten didn’t drown, and now they are keeping him as a pet.

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The inhabitants of the Alvarado town, state Veracruz, thank the Virgin of Rosary because their carnival is getting funnier and more colorful with every year. So it attracts more tourists and brings prosperity to the town.

My wife started to snore and I had no sleep for a few nights. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan and she mercifully heard my prayers. My wife was given some herbs for tea in the market and after that she stopped snoring. I give thanks for that.

Jesus Perez Rosas

My cousin and I discovered a place where the mermaids reunited. We noticed that they always returned over there to chat and play. So we had the idea to rent boats and bring tourists to look on the mermaids. Our business is going very well because everybody in the world wants to see such a wonderful show. And it seems we don’t bother the mermaids very much. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for making us rich.

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Leopoldo Morales fell down in the well and nobody searched him until the night because he was mute and no one noticed that he wasn’t around. His mother, doña Luz, thanks the Virgin of San Juan because her son didn’t drown and is already recovering from pneumonia.

There was an invasion of squirrels in my cellar. They were eating all my fruit. I tried to frighten them but they always returned. Only thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of San Juan she worked the miracle. So the squirrels disappeared and never came back.

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The teacher of my kids, Luis and Maria, told me if they wouldn’t get better in math then they should repeat the grade. I was heartbroken and entrusted them to the Virgin of the Rosary. She worked the miracle and my kids got better in math and passed to the fourth grade.

June 28, 1972, Paquito Gonzalez dropped the pan with boiling apple confiture. He got terrible burns, and his mommy, doña Luz Castrejon de Gonzalez, entrusted him to Saint Paschal Baylon in order to cure the boy with his divine intervention. She thanks the Saint for the miracle because her son was lucky and got better marvelously quickly.

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The Lopez sisters watched a horror movie in the cinema. And after, on their way home, they met a nagual in an alley. They thank the Virgin of Zapopan because with her protection they managed to run away from the spell of this horrifying monster.

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The bathroom was filled with big horrible spiders. Only thanks to the Virgin of San Juan we managed to rid of them before they bit us. We offer this retablo to the Virgin thanking her.

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My daughter Sofia had a high fever, and I prayed to the Virgin for her recovery. I felt so tired so I fell asleep. Suddenly I was awakened by a soft flap of wings. I saw many little shining angels around my daughter’s bed. I thought it was a dream but next morning my baby had no fever and even asked for a breakfast. Then I was sure that it was a miracle of the Virgin who sent her angels to heal the girl. I give thanks to the Virgin.

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My husband brought home a mermaid, and I was very jealous because he didn’t give me attention at all. One day, when he went for work and the mermaid was still sleeping in her pond, I caught her with a net and threw this damned sardine into the sea. I thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because now my hubby gives me more attention.