Conrado Arranz thanks Saint Michale the Archangel for being saved from crashing onto another car in a turn when they were going to climb La Malinche.
October 2020
Conrado Arranz thanks Saint Michale the Archangel for being saved from crashing onto another car in a turn when they were going to climb La Malinche.
October 2020
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank the Christ of the Rocks for helping me to follow my path despite constant stumbles and obstacles.
September 2019
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank for it all was a dream when I fell asleep under the brugmansia tree, and the devil didn’t take my little sister.
Mexicali, 2020
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I give thanks to Saint John for enlightening my path and bringing fortitude and music to my life.
Edoardo Merodio Espinosa, 2018
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thanks Saint James the Apostle for letting me participate in the procession of the devils.
Juxtlahuaca, July 25, 2019
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I, Jesus, thank you, St. Eek Yordick, for delivering me from dying. My lover’s husband caught us in the middle of lovemaking, and from the eight bullets he shot seven got to my lover and one hit the wall. I promise not to get involve with married women whose husbands have pistols.
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
Gabriela Campos offers this retablo to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for protecting and looking after her family during an assault they suffered in the state of Jalisco and from which they escaped unharmed.
Atizapan, 2018
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank Saint Francis for saving me from exploding like a petard when my aunt sent me to put the town ammunition dump on fire after she was caught with the father Vladimiro under the Saint Francis’ habit.
October 3, 1967
Ixtlán de los Hervores, Michoacan
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank for not being sick or, above all, going crazy because whomever I told about this they said it was impossible. The womb movements discovered my femininity.
Tammi, 2018
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
Francisco Cahuc thanks wholeheartedly for having finished his studies and beginning his professional career. He offers this retablo to the Holy Lord Protector to whom he had entrusted himself.
Mexico, January 2019
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
Ximena Campos offers this retablo thanking the Virgin of Guadalupe for having finished her medical studies.
Mexico, 2014
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank you, White Girl, for pardoning and not taking us, Diego and me, with you on that day of the motorcycle accident when our tire blew out at full speed. Thank you and thank you more, Holy Death, for your protection and for granting us with more time to keep going on a spree with our infinite love—the music.
Gala Xiuhcoatl, Mexico City, 2018
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I thank The Almighty God for giving us a father, may he rest in peace. We are all from clay, and our heart is from clay.
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera