I was gravely ill with fever and had some horrible hallucinations. The most torturing was the one with the death on spider legs who was stinging all my body. I felt so much pain and fright that I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe…
Emiliana Garcia
— tagged with “illness”
I was gravely ill with fever and had some horrible hallucinations. The most torturing was the one with the death on spider legs who was stinging all my body. I felt so much pain and fright that I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe…
Emiliana Garcia
Retablo by Medora García
By the grace of God, by the divine intercession of God, our kitty Chloe has been recovered from the illness.
Retablo by Eugene Michael Contreras
The thing I love the most is to walk around the forest and be together with the animals. When I was sick and bedridden I couldn’t go visit them and I missed them a lot. The Virgin of Guadalupe worked the miracle, and one day I woke up as the forest came to my bedroom. I was surrounded by my friends who came to visit me. I thank for this miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I want to thank the Brazilian spirits and, of course, the Virgin of Guadalupe for scaring the cancer away from my mother.
Paris, 2018
Retablo by Hayika Maras
I got the flu with a very high temperature but after I ate my mom’s home made spaghetti, all symptoms went away. A miracle! Her cooking saved me from the sickness.
Lily Kent
Retablo by Lily Kent
Holy Virgin, many thanks for the miracle you made for me—healing my son Pedrito from a pneumonia.
Lola Sanchez
Retablo by David Mecalco
My gratitude to the Holy Child of Atocha because my son has been healed from his illness.
Lucy Villanueva
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
One night when I was sitting home in quarantine, the martians invaded my yard. I believe they wanted to conquer our planet because there were many of them and they came with their families. Only my doggy Juanito stayed outside because they said that the pets don’t get the coronavirus. I thank the Holy Heart of Jesus because the martians weren’t immune to the virus and they returned to their home without hurting me.
Retablo by J. C. Salgado
My mom caught COVID-19, and I was very much worried because of her advanced age. With all my heart, I thank Our Mother Maria of Guadalupe because my mom recovered and got out of the hospital. With the same faith, I ask to look after the doctors and nurses who are risking their lives with the patients with this terrible virus.
Mexico, 2020
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Alberto Murillo thanks the Virgin of the Charity for helping him to get rid of these terrible pain in his back that he felt like the Death was dragging him. Now he don’t need to be operated. With his eternal gratitude, he gives this retablo.
April 24, 1947 — The Peacock, Jalisco
Retablo by Unknown artist #42
Carlota Valdez got slightly sick and went to bed early. Suddenly she saw that she was being attacked by red devils who began to torture her with their tridents. She prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, and the Virgin sent a group of angels to chase the devils away. The devils ran away scared of their luminous presence.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
With this humble retablo I want to thank my patron saint for not letting me get the coronavirus so I could keep on breathing well and everything.
Retablo by Jesús Malaventura
Hey, you must be crazy, people! Yes, I prayed to both of you, but dam! Chill already. I’m just trying to say thanks and send some gratitude your way for helping me to heal my grandfather’s stomach pain but you two are being assholes! It sucks! Enough already or you get nothing!
#wtf #ay #healer #toughbroad #huitzilopochtli #jesuschrist #smh
Retablo by Ruben Urrea Moreno