Virgin of Guadalupe

Aniceto Mendoza was stabbed in his buttock by one of his dear lover for being a womanizer. He brings this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe infinitely thanking her for he have enough time to run away from this crazy broad.

Puebla, 1917

My sister Maria and I were swimming in the open sea near the beach of San Javier when suddenly the water under us became dark and enormous tentacles came out of the sea. Our anxiety began when we saw the creature they were belonged to. It grabbed us with a violent move and drowned us like rag dolls. Seeing this, I prayed very hard to the Virgin of Guadalupe for help and rescue. After we almost fainted, the beast let us go, and we could go back to the shore. I testify this miracle.

Lourdes M., Chetumal

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I secretly meet with Juan in an alley. Look after us, Virgin.

Saul, 1971

Señor Porfirio thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his agaves give a lot of pulque and could save money to buy a donkey to keep on woking and support his family. One thing he asks you is health.

Villa del Carbon, Mexico, December 12, 1990

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe for covering us with your mantle to protect us from COVID-19 and for giving us fortitude to stay in quarantine.

Aaron & Martin

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On my vacation at the Caribbean in Mexico, I was swimming when I felt something was pulling me down to the bottom of the sea. To my surprise I saw this creature pulling my by my Holy Virgin chain. I prayed the Virgin for miraculous favor and could escape without being hurt.

Toño M., Tulum, 2019

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Candido Ramos pays the Virgin of Guadalupe with this ratable for saving me from a crab-man who wanted to drown me when the tide took me to the open sea; but I implored you, Holy Virgin, and you looked after me.

Acapulco, 1962

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for all my triumphs and for helping me remain healthy. But, above all, thanks for all my colleagues who, although I was a foreigner, supported me and made me a better person and wrestler.

Miguel N. ~ Red Spider
Peralvillo, Mexico City, 2001

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The band “Chiapanec melodies” formed by Lucas, Jose and Efren, dedicate the present retablo in gratitude to the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting them to perform every weekend at the town bandstand bringing joy to the people’s hearts with their marimba which they play with all their enthusiasm.

Chiapas, Mexico

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— I love my life more and more with each time!

Señorita Daisy Nizzañe gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because she became a prostitute since February 17, 1999, and she met a lot of people like Blue Panther Jr. who is her client. Amen.

Summer 1974, I was on vacation in Tokyo when something extraordinary happened. The night of July 26, an enormous monster attacked the city. A giant reptile of huge size was destroying everything on its way sowing death and terror. Seeing this, I could only ask the Virgin of Guadalupe for intervention, and some time later Godzilla got lost in the sea.

Luis M. — Tokyo / Mexico, 1974

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I wholeheartedly thank the Virgin of all Mexicans for being so good to me. She’s been with me in the good moments and in the bad ones protecting me from injuries and dying on the ring. Thanks for looking after me, Holy Mother.

Your faithful and devoted son Maximo
Arena Mexico, 2006

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My Mother of Guadalupe, I give you infinite thanks because my wife Nayeli and my son Manuel are feeing good after my wife went through a dangerous childbirth. She was between life and death, and that’s why I thank for protecting them and for the luck of being a father.

January 25, 1985

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