Virgin of Guadalupe

Thanks, Holy Virgin, for having stayed together with my boyfriend for 25 years.

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, I’m entrusting my son to you. Look after him because he’s going to fight the narcos.

Aurora Toledo

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I thank the Virgin from Tepeyac for giving me peace and pride of accepting my defeat from the great El Santo and came off in one piece to try to recover the championship belt. I testify my eternal gratitude.

Rodolfo Galindo the Caveman, 1957

Thank you Virgin of Guadalupe for giving me the luck of winning a trip to Huatulco in a union raffle.

Lulu Fonseca

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I entrust you my son Gumersindo Acosta, who works as a driver, to look after him and always be near him on the road.

Señora Marlene Ocampo

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I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me to defend myself from my husband because he was always abusive and when he came home drunk he used to beat me. The Virgin inspired me to start practicing boxing. The other day when he came drunk, I put my gloves on and beat the crap out of him. Since then, he wouldn’t dare to hit me, and I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for that.

I give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because my mom taught me to make traditional dolls Marias, or Mazahuas. By selling them I could support my kids, and I’m very proud that the people who buy them take a part of my culture with each doll.

Queretaro, Mexico

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May 18, 2005, I was challenging Lopez the Puma in the national bantamweight title. In the 7th round, after a bloody fight, I threw a jab in his jaw and he fell down. Seeing that he wouldn’t get up and being happy with my triumph, I beg the Holy Virgin not to let any damage happen to him and she did so. I give thanks.

Sandoval “the Cocky”

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Tania M. infinitely thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for enlighten her path and helping her to leave this brothel and to change her life. Now she’s a happy mother, and she dedicates this retablo with absolute devotion.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 1992

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I, Mistico, the Prince of Silver and Gold, offer this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I was able to win the mask of the Black Warrior on Friday, September 29, 2006. I ask you to look after me and to bless me in whatever I do.

Mistico, 2007

CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre) — World Wrestling Council.

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Very strange plants began to grow in the pots in my yard. They seemed exotic so I let them grow and even took care of them. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I noticed that the plants do good to my cats and, who knows, maybe to me as well.

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I offer this retablo to give thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for looking after my daughter when she stopped going out on the streets of East LA wearing the gang colors protesting over George Floyd’s death. She changed this idea after meeting neighbor kids playing soccer. She loves playing soccer with them, so she changed her clothes and stayed playing with the kids.

June 1, 2020

This year, I’d like to thank Our Lady of Guadalupe for her miracle of helping me get rid of my nasty habit of cigarillos. Besides, “Philip” are expensive and they gave me heartburn and certainly cancer as well. Thank you, Virgin.

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