Virgin of Guadalupe

My cats are my family and my friends. When I was moving in another house, they got lost on the way there. I don’t know how it happened. I was disconsolate. But don Pascual found them all, because they came back to the old house. I thank for that miracle because my old house was pretty far away.

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Protect my little extraterrestrial friend, because he is so small.

Domitilo Esparanza and Ortencia Carraza thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for curing me from a cold in my bones.

Pachuquilla, March 3, 1937

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Holy Mother Virgin of Guadalupe, may you be blessed for curing my rheumatism so I can go back to work with my flowers here in Xochimilco. When no remedy would help me I prayed to you, and you cured me.

Merejildo, local of this town
December 12, 1990

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We thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for helping us to get to the United States when we were crossing Rio Bravo. The current was strong, and the river was dragging us so we couldn’t swim. But you helped us, and we got to USA to find job and earn some money to live.

The Martinez family
Los Angeles, California, July 20, 1940

The young man Ruperto Coyotzi was going to be shot dead by order of a general. He gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe, because his mother’s prayers were heard and he got a pardon, although he received forty lashes.

Señor Dario summons a being. We pray so he won’t do it.

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I ask you to stop my wife from sleeping with dogs.

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Thanks for stopping my husband from kissing the pig.

I thank the Virgin for the miracle that my red rooster won an important fight.

Pablo Reyes
February 11, 1990

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Our life was unhappy. With all economic troubles, my only son and I lack communication and I didn’t pay attention who his friends were. His school friend introduced him to drugs, and they start to take them together. In tears I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe to help me save my son. And she heard me. I show my gratitude with this retablo.

Angela del Valle
San Pedro de los Pinos, Mexico City
December 17, 2001

In times of the Revolution I was part of the Federal Army but my troops lost a battle, I was badly wounded and was on the edge of dying. I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because two peasants took me to their home. The cured me and saved my life. In gratitude I decide to fight for the people since that moment and joined the rebels.

Agustin Castillo \ Zacatecas, Mexico

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When I began to foster stray dogs from the street, my neighbors didn’t like this idea and gave me bad looks. But the Virgin of Guadalupe came to help me and changed their mind. They got attached to the dogs and were moved by they sad eyes. Now the neighbors help me to take care of the dogs and bring them food. I thank the Virgin for this miracle.

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