— tagged with “cats”

I was doing my household chores at the kitchen. When I turned to mop, I saw some filthy rats getting in, with some nerve I’d never seen, through the drain and the window. My cat Ramona got frightened and hid behind my skirts. Seeing such a great disaster, I implored the Blessed Apostle for his mercy. Then I started to hit the rats with my broom, and they turned back and went back to where they came from.

Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico, 1966

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The cats occasionally fall from the roof on the patio table my friends and I sit at. I thank my Guardian angel for no one from us has had a stroke from fear.

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I, Montse Rios, give infinite thanks to the Souls for possessing my cat and telling me that the pie I cooked for my boyfriend Hector was burning.

Mexico City, 2019

One night I was awakened by the noise that came from a strange ball. It rolled right at me. The ball got on my sofa. I felt pain. It was very dark and very scary. Then this ball rolled back and disappeared in the open window. I thank my Guardian Angel, because there were only fighting cats. They scratched “Z” on my skin with their claws.

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I thank you, Virgin, for the kitty didn’t eat the baby bird that fell off the nest.

Virgin of the Solitude, bless this home.

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One night a bat got into my room and started flying around. I was afraid it would bite me and turn me into a vampire. But my cat wasn’t scared, he caught the bat and ate it. I thank Saint Nino, patroness saint of tutors, because I managed to raise such a clever and brave cat.

Vera, Saint Petersburg, 2010

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Eladia Torres gives thanks because my cat has chased out rats, mouses, moles and other vermin that wouldn’t left my house and my kitchen.

Queretaro, July 4, 1937

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I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because I can support, feed and even sometimes spoil my cats. And they give me their love and keep me company.

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I pray to the Virgin of Zapopan, please take good care of my cat because he likes to sleep in the garden and I’m afraid that one night the aliens will take him away.

June 2020

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Very strange plants began to grow in the pots in my yard. They seemed exotic so I let them grow and even took care of them. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because I noticed that the plants do good to my cats and, who knows, maybe to me as well.

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I was feeling little bit sick and went to bed early. Suddenly I saw all the cats from the neighborhood flying around me. My cats were flying as well, and they looked beautiful with wings. Nevertheless, I had a strange feeling about it. I supposed cats didn’t fly, and I became afraid I was going mad. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, and she heard my prayers. Everything returned to normal—my cats landed on the floor and the other ones disappeared. I thank for this.

A strange plant had grown behind the wall fence of my garden. One day my cats were lying on the border enjoying the sun, and the plant caught them. I ran to help them but the plant trapped me as well. Thanks to the Holy Spirit I had big garden scissors in the pocket of my apron. I cut the stems and freed my cats. Later my husband pulled the plant with roots.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting me arrive in time to not allow my kitty to make a mistake listening the indecorous offers from an ugly stray cat who had approached her. My kitty is very refined, and I want her descendants to be from a pedigree cat, — not from any cat. I’m going to find a fiancé worthy of her.

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