I fell of the stairs. I thank the Virgin for I didn’t hurt myself and didn’t smash my cat who was sitting down the stairs.
February 19, 1969
— tagged with “cats”
I fell of the stairs. I thank the Virgin for I didn’t hurt myself and didn’t smash my cat who was sitting down the stairs.
February 19, 1969
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Ricardo Ballesteros was sleeping with the open window on a warm night when suddenly some cats started fighting and rolled over him. He thanks Saint Francis for nothing serious happened and he was only frightened.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because at night she gives wings to me and to my cat, so we fly together over the towns and fields. These night flights calm me down, and my problems seem less serious to me the day after.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I was coming back from the market and saw a pair of dogs that cornered two cats in an alley. The cats’ hair stood up, and they didn’t know where to run. I quickly grabbed them and ran away, and the dogs ran after us. I thank Saint Quiteria for we got into the church before the dogs attacked us. So I saved the cats, with the help of the saint to whom I dedicate this retablo.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I have four cats, and my boyfriend has five dogs. When we got married and moved together nobody wanted to leave their pets. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that the cats and the dogs don’t fight and there is some sort of friendship among them.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My kitten Pepe is my only company because I didn’t marry and have no kids. That’s why, the other day when we had a fire in the building, I was very much preoccupied since I was outside and couldn’t get in and save him. I thank Saint Francis of Assisi for a brave firefighter risked his own life to save my kitten who is everything for me. May he be blessed.
Socorro Montejo
Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Guadalupe Ramirez made some eggnog for a party. But when she came back to the kitchen she found out that the cat drank everything and got slightly drunk. She thanks Saint Paschal Baylon because she was able to prepare another eggnog and the cat survived.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My kitchen was filled with cockroaches. I was spending days killing them but they didn’t end. Thanks to Saint Paschal Baylon a pair of hunting cats come here. They went to my kitchen and began to catch the cockroaches. And I put myself to some other, more nicer things. I dedicate this retablo to Saint Paschal for this miracle.
Rosa Maria Jimenez Baños
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
When Martina Gutierrez was chatting with her friend Graciela, a flowerpot fell on her head. It was pushed from the roof by a cat. After the blow Martina began to see double and blurred. She was frightened that she might go blind, and she entrusted herself to Saint Lucy. The saint heard her prayers, and few days later Martina was back to see normally again. She dedicated this retablo as gratitude.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My cat had formed a bad habit of peeing on furniture. One day he even peed in my bed. My wife got so angry, so she gave me an ultimatum. She said if the cat peed once more I would have to choose between him and her. I loved them both so I prayed for a miracle to the Virgin of Guadalupe. And I got it. Virgin made my cat understand that he mustn’t pee in the house and now he pees only outside. I thank for this astonishing miracle.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My wife loved her cats and dogs so much she even let them sleep in our bed. It was unbearable to sleep with a lot of animals. They were constantly scratching, panting, purring and stepping all over me. I prayed to Saint Francis to not show his mercy just to the animals but to think also about me. I thank the saint because my wife got some skin rash and the doctor prohibited to her to sleep with the animals. Now they sleep apart in the sitting-room.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving my mother from cancer and our hairless cat from paralysis.
December 10, 2017
Paris, France
Retablo by Hayika Maras
The cats from the neighborhood always come to visit my cat Lyova because he always has food. Those rascals mark the walls and my pictures. I thank my Guardian angel for having enough patience to clean after them and to kill fleas.
Retablo by Elena Bukina