— tagged with “dogs”

Because her boyfriend left her, Elisa Morales dedicated herself to eating trying to kill her pain. But she started to gain weight. Her cat and her dog started to put on weight also. They were like balloons. Elisa realized that she couldn’t put her clothes on anymore. So she prayed to Saint Paschal Baylon to control her appetite. The Saint worked the miracle, and Elisa met a handsome young men whom she fell in love with. And this new love helped her to lose weight.

When Rolandito Gutierrez went to the school he was attacked by some angry dogs. They threw him on the ground. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t bite him and only ate his ham sandwich that he was eating. I dedicate this retablo because nothing bad happened with the boy.

July 15, 1967

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Lorenzo and Susana Morales were selling oranges and tomatoes. But at one ranch they were attacked and bitten by angry dogs. They were scared that the dogs might have been rabid, so they entrusted themselves to the Holy Child of Atocha. They thank because three months have passed by and they have no rabies.

Señora Rafaela was coming back from the market with her granddaughter when the big angry dog of Aurelio Medina attacked them. The dog had escaped, and it had already sent several persons to the hospital with its bites. Rafaela asked the Virgin of Zapopan for protection for her and her granddaughter. And miraculously the dog calmed down and didn’t hurt them.

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At the end of the 200th anniversary year, I came back to my land. There I met a stray dog, in which I saw bad intentions. It was approaching to bite me. As I saw its fangs, I, Gil Gutierrez Sanchez, prayed to the Lord of the Lightnings, who having heard me playing on guitar and heard my prayers and protected me from the malicious beast.

I dedicate this retablo to St. Martin the Cavalryman for helping me to find another job, because before I worked wearing the hamburger costume. It was so heavy and stuffy, that I fainted a lot. But the most humiliating part was that not even the dogs respected me. But now I have a quieter job.

Feliciano Godinez
Monterrey, Nuevo León

Casimiro Beltrones was attacked by angry dogs, and they bit him. He thanks Saint Jude Thaddaeus, for dogs didn’t have rabies because he didn’t die.

Retablo by

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Carlitos Perez fell into the well trying to reach his ball, and the dog, who was very brave and smart, jumped after him, took the boy out from the water and kept him afloat until his older brothers came down to save him. The Carlitos family thanks the Virgin of San Juan because the boy is fine, and they also thank for having such a valiant dog.

One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my room through the window. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they didn’t abduct me or my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took.