Javier Cervantes was making 69 with a fat girl, but she fainted from the excitement and began to suffocate him. He gives due thanks to Saint Elias with this retablo because he managed to push her off and promises not to visit brothels anymore.
— tagged with “faint”
Javier Cervantes was making 69 with a fat girl, but she fainted from the excitement and began to suffocate him. He gives due thanks to Saint Elias with this retablo because he managed to push her off and promises not to visit brothels anymore.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I give immense thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who helped me when I fell of the boat and fainted. My dog Othello jumped into the water and drugged me until I gained my senses back and was able to get out.
Akumal, 2019
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Demetrio Vargas went to swim. I fainted, but a mermaid piggy saved my life from drowning.
Veracruz, December 4, 1955
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Last year I participated for a first time in the staging about the passion and death of Jesus Christ on Holy Week playing Jesus. Although I had been preparing for months, I was about to faint that day because of strain and heat. I asked the Lord of Chalma to help me and to give me strength to finish the Way of the Cross, and he did so, for which I’m thankfully dedicate this retablo.
Iztapalapa, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I, Gumersinda Cervantes, give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Juquila for saving my old man. He almost died of fear when he met a headless man on his way back from corn fields. He fainted.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Quteria of Frexeiras for curing my daughter from constant faints.
Terezinha C. de Matos
Maceio, Al, 11-05-1998
Retablo by Severino Silva
Señora Antonia Maldonado suffered from faints. It happened that during one of this she seemed to see the devils abducting her daughter. She prayed the Virgin with all her heart, and the Virgin made the miracle of stopping these visions and curing her of this illness.
Mexico City, 1942
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
Joaquin Martinez lost his job. He had no money to feed his family. He was so desperate he went to rob the people on a bus treating them with a pistol. He got into the bus and fired a shot. A girl fell down. Joaquin got frightened and prayed to the Holy Heart of Mary because he didn’t want to end up as a murderer. The girl wasn’t wounded but fainted of fear. Joaquin apologized to the passengers and left the bus.
November 15, 1958
Retablo by Medora García
When I was swimming, two beautiful mermaids appeared. They were flirting with me waving their tails and splashing in the water. I was taken with their iridescent beauty. I stopped for a moment, they came closer to me and then pulled me down to the bottom. I was lacking air, so I prayed Saint Barbara. She might have come to help me because I think I fainted and then woke up on the beach. I thank for being alive.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I was swimming when I suddenly felt that someone was pulling me down. I saw two mermaids, they grabbed and tried to pull me to their domain. I felt dizzy because of lack of air. I implored Saint Barbara, and she came to help me. She made the mermaids let me go. I fainted. When I woke up, I was on the beach. I thank for this wonderful miracle that saved my life.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Saint Francis, thank you for your help. My cutie pie and I were making love when I felt a bite on my leg. I turned to look what it was and saw a horrible snake. I screamed and then fainted. When I got conscious. I was in the hospital when they took care of me. I thank Saint Francis.
Mauro Moreno
Cuautla, Morelos, 1958
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
April 1976, in the city of Monterrey The Pharaoh was fighting against Blue Demon and almost semi-fainted. He entrusted himself to the Lord of Anxieties. When the rival was about to rip The Pharaoh’s mask away, the light in the coliseum went off. And that saved The Pharaoh’s career. In sign of his gratitude he dedicated this retablo.
Retablo by Abel Ortiz-Acosta
Saint Jude Thaddeus, I thank you for hearing my prayers, so now my old woman is cured. She fainted a lot. The doctor said it happened because of lack of food, and probably she had anemia. I couldn’t provide more food for her because I didn’t make enough money selling dishes. Now I’m old and can’t work. But before we lived good, and I had a cattle herd. But my sons forced me to sell it to cover their needs. We had three sons, and no one is taking care of us. All of them went to Los Angeles, California. They’ve lived there for 12 years. Sometimes they send us three postcards and some dollars. But the most important thing now is that my old woman Francisca is cured.
Braulio Bernal
Tlaxcala, 1950
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández