Señor Luis Chavez went out and couldn’t remember where he lived. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe with the present retablo because he was found and now is back to his family.
— tagged with “memory loss”
Señor Luis Chavez went out and couldn’t remember where he lived. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe with the present retablo because he was found and now is back to his family.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The engineer Jose Martinez was going from Guerrero to Tulcingo at 2 a.m. He still had about 20 minutes to go when he saw a flying saucer flying towards him. Probably nothing else happened, but when Jose arrived to Tulcingo turned out two more hours had passed. The following days he discovered in his dreams that he had encounter with beings from another worlds and they inserted a chip in him which gave him—alongside with many abilities useful for the humanity—the gift of healing. He thanks Saint Michael the Archangel.
Tulcingo, 2000
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
Ricardo Vivanco, 24-years old, being slightly drunk, was coming back from the family celebration at 2 a.m. He was going through the de la Luz neighborhood when he saw a beautiful woman. She called him. Influenced by wine, he approached her obediently and hug her. He can’t remember anything after that. He gained his conscience bad at 11 a.m. founding himself lying in the San Francisco river. Fortunately, he was lying at shallows. He thank Saint Francis of Assisi for helping him. He brings this retablo as gratitude.
Puebla de Zaragoza
January 1955
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
Humberto Rodriguez, 23 years old, went camping with four his friends in vicinity of Cocoyoc, Morelos. 11 p.m., he moved away fro the group and immediately was taken up in the air by a bright light ray. He was brought right inside an UFO. 30 minutes later, he returned to his friends. They were scared and looking for him. Humberto told he remembered nothing besides that he had been praying to the Virgin of the Holy Heart. He brings this retablo as testimony.
Mexico City, 2003
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
My son Jose was playing an angel in a school play, and his rope broke down. He fell down, hit his head and lost his conscience. When he woke up he decided he was really an angel. I payed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that my son came back to his senses. Three days later, the Virgin worked a miracle and Jose got his memory back. I thank the Virgin because otherwise his behavior was very dangerous while he was being an angel—he was constantly trying to fly off the roof.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
A flower pot fell on the Laura Rodriguez’ head because of two dogs fighting. Laura lost her memory and forgot her name and where she lived. Fortunately, one of her neighbors saw her wandering confusedly and took her home. Laura thanks the Virgin of the Rosary because she got her memory back, although sometimes she still has doubts about her name.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar