— tagged with “simple joys”

I thank Saint Rita for helping me to save money for a California King bed. Now I can put two men in my bed at once without feeling cramped.

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Carolina Robledo sincerely and warmly thanks Saint Jerome because he fulfilled her great wish to visit Italy and to see one of the last performances of Luciano Pavarotti.

For my first salary I ordered this retablo. I dedicate it to the Virgin of the Miracles. I loved high heel shoes ever since I was little. But our family was so poor that sometimes we had nothing to eat. I’ve just got a job in an excellent shoe store in the capital.

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Pedro Ramos found a rare disc of the Mexican label Musart in a shop at the Lagunilla market. He thanks Saint Nicolas for this finding although he had to spend big money on it.

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Armando Medina fell in love with antique clock but they were very expensive. He implored the Virgin of the Solitude, and she helped him to get enough money in time to buy them. He’s infinitely thankful for such a particular favor.

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With this retablo, I thank the Holy Virgin of the Bright Star because thanks to my prayers I found a very good and economic detergent of the “Sutil” brand that removes all the piss and poop stains from the sheets of my daughter Lupe.

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I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Los Remedios because thanks to her blessed intervention the lead majorette of our neighborhood group got sick with stomach pain and diarrhea, so now it’s me who is going to carry the baton at the Saint Anselm Day parade.

Thanks to Saint Gertrude we found a huge fish to be photographed next to so we can tell our friends we caught it.

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Lalo thanks the Virgin because he got tits.

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Antonio R. got an important job in the government and now can afford a good car. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo for such good luck.

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Ernesto Dominguez brings this retablo to Saint Pancras thanking him for a great success of his pipe smoking club where they try tobacco from all over the world.

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Señor F. R. and his wife thank Saint Patrick with this retablo because they finally managed to save enough money for a giant bath in which they can make love since the two of them are pretty fat.

Juanita F. got involved with her master and now does only half of her job because he has hired another maid. She thanks Saint Mariana of Jesus for this good luck.

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