— tagged with “violence”

The 34 thanks the Brown-skin Virgin for saving his life from the bullets of his adversaries.

Zamora, Michoacan

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Victor Peralta was painting the neighbor houses with graffiti. The neighbors got pissed off, tied him to a pole and showered him with paint. Victor thanks the Child of Atocha for nothing serious happened and promises to amend.

Retablo by

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1939, my buddy caught me with his wife. He started to shoot at us. I give infinite thanks to Saint Raymond because bullets didn’t hit me. She took them all, and I only got scared.

Macario M.
Mexico, 1939

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe. My daddy and my mommy were fighting and arguing all the time. One day they were hitting each other so violently that I prayed the Virgin promising her to dedicate a retablo if they stop fighting. I thank because our house is peaceful now and we leave happily.

Puebla, February 14, 1934

May you be blessed, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, for helping me to get back to Mexico alive. The migration police beat me till I lost my senses in Arizona desert which I had crossed to earn some dollars.

El Beto, 2009

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Enrique Sandoval used to slack off and didn’t pay his gambling debts. Until one day they caught him, beat him and even threatened to saw off his leg. He thanks Saint Elias they didn’t do it and promises to amend.

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1952, I left my work. When I was walking down an alley in San Antonio neighborhood in Puebla I was attacked by a man who seemed to be crazy. I implored the Virgin of San Juan, and then the wrestler El Santo The Silver mask appeared. He saved me, and I give infinite thanks for that.

Altagracia Hernandez

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Enrique Perez woke up with a thief in his room. He thanks Saint James with this retablo for he managed to grab his gun and shoot him.

Juan Ramirez got angry with his grandson who wouldn’t quiet down and hit him in the mug with a stick. He got in jail for that. He thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus with this retablo for getting out and promises to be a better person.

There were a cockfight during the town holiday. But one day the audience started to shoot, and a boy was wounded. The Rodriguez family thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery.

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from the death when my buddy stabbed me. He was very angry after hearing that I was in love with his wife which was not true.

1934, Jose P.

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Susana Gutierrez was flirting with the neighbor husbands. The neighbor wives fed up with this, they beat her and almost killed. Susana thanks Saint Raymond for the recovery and promises to amend her ways.

Chavelita Ruiz was coming back from a grape harvest when she was attacked by a nagual with donkey head who bit her hand. She thanks Saint Rita with this retablo for she managed to escape alive.

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