Maya Prieto Salazar

I have four cats, and my boyfriend has five dogs. When we got married and moved together nobody wanted to leave their pets. We thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that the cats and the dogs don’t fight and there is some sort of friendship among them.

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Mariana Flores became mute after a childhood trauma. But when she moved with her parents to the coast and started to play with dolphins, she miraculously began to speak again. Her parents thank the Holy Virgin of San Juan.

My husband used to have dreams about voluptuous and seductive women. He hugged the air, kissed and spoke in the dream and always had this stupid smile on his face. It drove me nuts. The horrible part was that after that he woke up in a very good mood. Then the Holy Virgin gave me an idea to take my photo in the bed. I looked very seriously in that photo, so he would know that I was watching him. It helped. My husband doesn’t hug or kiss in his sleep anymore, just grunts and murmurs something.

I spoiled my dog by letting it eat from the table. When I married a marvelous woman, I was afraid she wouldn’t let the animal to eat with us. But instead, I found out she herself had two educated pigs who also eat from the table. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for we are one very happy family.

My husband was constantly playing chess with his friend Lucas who was a big love of chess also. He didn’t pay me any attention, we didn’t go out. I thank Saint Anthony for he gave me an idea to learn chess myself instead of being bored. I have become so good, I outplay my husband. Since he doesn’t like to lose, now he prefers to go out with me or to take me to the movies.

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We thank the Virgin of San Juan for having a very beautiful wedding, filled with music and happiness. Besides that, we love each other very much.

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I was preparing a marvelous dinner for special guests when I noticed that my dog, who decided that he was a special guest, got at the table and served himself. I thank Saint Paschal Baylon for I managed to fix the dishes and pretend as nothing happened there. I had a success with my dinner, and everybody complimented me.

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I was drowning in the world of problems and worries, but one night the Virgin sent me a wonderful dream in which I flew through the sky filled with millions of stars guided by two little angels. Before this starry immensity I saw that my problems weren’t so big. So now I’m living my life with much more optimism and serenity. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary.

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I met a handsome young man on the beach in Puerto Vallarta. I began to suspect that he was gay, because every time he passed by he glanced at me smiling. Also, he liked pink towels. I thank Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lovers, because I tried my luck and talked with him, and now we’re a couple.

The Raquel Ramirez’ husband began to snore in a terrible manner. The poor woman couldn’t sleep for a whole week. Then she desperately prayed to the Virgin of the Rosary, and the merciful Virgin made the miracle. She made tea with the herbs prescribed by some nuns, and don Samuel stopped snorting eight days later. She thanks.

The Lopez Mota family, after many years of marriage, still didn’t have any children. Doña Esperanza prayed very much to the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle of having a baby. Finally the Holy Virgin heard her prayers and blessed them with a pair of healthy twins.

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My wife began to eat in the bed. I hated it because there were a lot of crumbs in the bed. Also she chewed it with so much noise that I couldn’t sleep or watch TV. But the worst thing was that I was on a diet. But thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of San Juan an ant army came to our bed attracted by the food. They bit my wife so she stopped eating in bedroom.

Ofelia Gonzalez got disappointed in love, so she threw herself into the lake wearing her wedding dress, since she wouldn’t use it anymore. But it happened so a fisherman noticed her and saved her. Ofelia thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because she met a new love in her savior.