Miguel Hernández

[…] a lady with a cow […] and a boy who was looking for his dog. I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe because I had no time to brake. The next moment they went out the tracks. I thank for that because I couldn’t have lived with such a massacre weighing on my conscious.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the opportunity to arrange a beautiful altar for my late grandparents, uncles and aunts for the Day of the Dead. In this way I can tell them that there is a lot of their essence is still around and they aren’t completely dead because we remember them and we offer to them flowers, food and candles to tell how we love them.

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All the fellows from my band died in an accident. Then their skeletons began to visit me and play instruments in my room because they were jealous that I am alive. I prayed for their souls to the Virgin of Guadalupe and she made them rest in peace. So I finally can sleep also in peace.

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A giant hole opened in the wall of my living room, and some strange creatures form another world began to appear from it. They invaded my house, and it was very annoying to have that whole strange multitude around. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of Guadalupe the hole closed and sucked all the beings back inside. So now my house is quite and cozy again.

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My husband is a good man but very boring. However, once a week he becomes a pure devil. It makes up for the rest dull days. I thank the Virgin for wonderful days with my devil.

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I had to pass through the cats in order to get to my new apartment. I always had an irrational fear of the cats and felt very nervous around them. I tried to scare the cats off but they kept staying stayed there. I asked the Virgin for help, and she made so that my fear began to fade away. Now I like the cats. I even give them milk and sometimes stroke them.

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Diana Molina was performing her act on trapeze and lost the rhythm during a throw in the air. She was about to fall on the lions who were down and were very grumpy. She prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe and, in a mysterious way, a trapeze came right to her hands, and she grabbed it.

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That night, a horrible demon came under the floor and began chasing me <...> with his ugly stinking snout <…> And the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared and ordered the demon to go back in hell. I’m thanking the Virgin for saving me.

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My family was going through financial difficulties. I wanted to help them within my abilities. I took all the flowers I was growing back in the garden and went to sell them in the Xochimilco dock. My flowers were so beautiful, I sold them in a moment. And the people wanted to buy more. So I opened a small flower shop. Now I give job for other families who help me. I’m very glad to work with such a beauty and earn money in this way. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for my luck.

Francisca Hernandez

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My cats, which grew up together, suddenly stopped being friendly and began fighting ferociously. I prayed the Virgin because I couldn’t stand seeing them fighting constantly. Thanks to the Virgin the cats calmed down, and now they’re friends again.

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When my pupil Alfonso fell in love with mr, I thought it was sweet. But then I saw that he was serious about it, and I got preoccupied. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for help. Some time later she made a miracle. Alfonso lost his interest in me and switched to a new girl who moved from Guanajuato to us in the middle of the school year. I thank because it is she who will broke the Alfonso’s heart and not me.

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I didn’t have children nor a husband (?) but I never felt lonely because my family <…> my beautiful garden and my cats to whom I dedicate all my love <…>

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The girl Rocenda talks with the forest animals. Cure her, Virgin.

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