Unknown artist #21

Fortunately, I was’t in my boat when these mermaids tried to abduct me. I thank Saint Mary.

Yucatan, 1951

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I had many horrifying dreams with blood, being surrounded by demons and people with skinless bodies. But my faith in you saved me. Thanks.

Rosario Coral
Ixil, 1947

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Holy Child of the Virgin of Help, thank you for helping me out that night, on November 1. I didn’t make an altar for all the faithful departed. When I went to sleep the Death himself dressed as Catrina visited me. I pretended to be asleep and prayed to you, divine Child, until the Death was gone.

Yucatan, Mexico, 1932

I’m thankful to you, Saint Barbara, for blessing my kids and saving them from that demoniac encounter which happened while they were playing. They told me about it when they came home all pale and frightened.

Amanda Carril and kids
Campeche, 1938

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Virgin of Guadalupe, I thank you for quitting this vice of marijuana addiction although it happened in a very macabre manner—with seeing all those skeletons in my madness.

Campeche, 1944

May your purity be blessed for ever, Virgin Mary. Thanks to you we have sold our house which we just bought shortly before. The house is cursed! Ghost, phantasms, skeletons and many others tortured me and my wife at night. I humbly thank you and bring you this retablo.

1953, Motul, Yucatan

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Holy Virgin of Lourdes, I offer this retablo to your holy will because you gave me strength to kick the forest monster away.

Chiapas, 1930

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Holy Virgin of Esther, thank you for the miracle of delivering me from those horrible nightmares when I saw a couple of living dead with their bony pets.

Acanceh, 1954

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I offer you this retablo, Holy Lord, for saving me during this encounter with the most hideous creature that my sister and I saw at the town cemetery.

Cuch-Balam, Yucatan, 1940

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Thank you, Virgin, because you heard my prayers for help me to kick the booze, although it was pretty scary.

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Thank you, Virgin, for hearing my requests. I didn’t sleep by nights, because the devil kept appearing to me from the well.

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I only hope that when you’ll decide to end my life, you will open the gate to the celestial Kingdom for me, even though I sold my soul to Lucifer.

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