Virgin of Guadalupe

Bar “Come again”

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle of saving my life when my buddy put bullets into me thinking that I was in love with his wife.

Gabino M. — Mexico City, May 14, 1996

Forgive me, Virgin, but it wasn’t my intention to stare at my buddy’s wife Lola’s butt when I was coming to see my buddy.


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Anselmo got drunk because of a love pain, and he was so drunk he fell asleep outside the canteen. When he woke up the next morning he found out that the dead took control of the town. They walked around like they were inhabitants of the town. Anselmo closed his eyes and began to pray fervently to the Virgin of Guadalupe. When he opened his eyes the dead had gone and the normal people was walking around. He thanks the Virgin.

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for letting me met Pancho, a boatman, in Acapulco. Now I’m going to take him to New York with me.

Lucy Wilson

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One night I felt like I was flying. I saw that I had left my body and my spirit was drifting away. I tried to return but I couldn’t. I began to submerge into lethargy and let take me away. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because my cats felt that something was going wrong. They began meowing, touching me and licking my face. It reanimate my body, I came back and woke up.

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Señora Nayeli thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving her husband Alonso from dying during a dangerous head surgery. He was between life and death, and now they thank because he’s well.

October 25, 1995

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Señor Antonio together with his wife Maria and their son Pedro thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting them cross the Rio Bravo without being noticed by the immigration police. They could make their American dream, earn some bucks and support their family.


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I give thanks because my wedding was like I always dreamt. I’m very happy.

May 7, 1967

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Julieta Mondragon orders this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because the infection she caught from a client by carelessness wasn’t AIDS. I was so sick from fright, and I entrusted myself to the Virgin, and thanks to her I’m healthy and feeling good.

Merced, Mexico City, 1995

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Thanks for I won against the most intelligent monkey and saved my red horse.

Infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Thanks for inspiring me to paint these days of war against the melancholy because of COVID-19.

Always grateful, Olga, 2020

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A giant crocodile came out of the river. Thanks for the herons calmed him down and he didn’t do any harm.

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for protecting us from the immigration police so we could hop over the wall, got to San Diego, California, and found there jobs as builders. Pancho, my son Juan and I are fulfilling our promise with this.

Mexico, 2016

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