Maria Concepcion Andrade, devoted to the Virgin of San Juan, brings this retablo with great devotion asking for the recovery of the painter Frida. She thanks for that in advance.
Mexico, 1945
— tagged with “artists”
Maria Concepcion Andrade, devoted to the Virgin of San Juan, brings this retablo with great devotion asking for the recovery of the painter Frida. She thanks for that in advance.
Mexico, 1945
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I give thanks to the Holy Child Manuelito for helping me with diversity in my work and has brought me clients.
David Vazquez S.
Silao, Guanajuato, 2019
Manuel, Manuelito is a name of the Child of Atocha.
Retablo by David Vazquez
The grandfather climbed a tree out of stubbornness but he fell, got a terrible blow and broke his hips. He was very sad he couldn’t walk. We thank Saint James because Frida the painter elevated his spirit when she visited us.
Maria Ruis
Puebla, 1943
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I give thanks to Saint Pancras with this retablo for meeting the painter Frida because she helped me to get free from my abusive pimp.
Cayetana Jimenes
Puebla, 1947
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Everyone thinks that I just lie in bed and do nothing. In fact, I imagine new paintings. Thanks to my Guardian Angel who don’t let me be lazy!
Retablo by Elena Bukina
Saint Jude Thaddeus, bless my work to keep following these paths of the art, with health, faith, hope and love.
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
October 28, 2009
+ addition “The artist at work”
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
The manager of the hotel “Arronte” in Puebla brings this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha thanking him for meeting the painter Frida in person.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for Paloma and I met on these paths of the art and I was inspired with her glorious ecstasy. Look after her and bless her way because I will never forget her.
The crazy dreamer A. V. R.
Mexico City, February 10, 2006
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Vicenta Carmona brings the present retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus thanking him for her mistress, the painter Frida, has made up with her old man and doesn’t go so grumpy anymore.
Mexico, 1946
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
The artist Gustavo B. once got drunk and painted the face of a horrible devil. Some time later he sold it for a lot of money. He thanks Saint Elias for this profit but promises to keep out of this theme.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Dear Marina Abramovic, please give me patience to stay still and enjoy the silence. Tech me how to look into someone else’s eyes, to find myself in them and to sit up straight.
Maria Luque — Buenos Aires — January 2019
Retablo by María Luque
Dear Henri Rousseau, please help me not to worry when people say I draw like a child. Give me strength to understand that representation doesn’t always need to be mimetic and that I don’t need to be in the jungle to paint wild animals.
Maria Luque — January 5, 2019 — Argentina
Retablo by María Luque
Dear Kazimir Malevich, please help me trust in simple shapes. Dom’t let me overdo it by adding unnecessary details, and make me believe in the strength of primary colours.
Maria Luque — January 3, 2019 — Cordoba, Argentina
Retablo by María Luque