— tagged with “children”

Saint Barbara helped a widow with fishing and saved the woman and her baby from hunger.

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I thank the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe because my little Martincito became like a dead. We were ready to keep a vigil over him, we had prepared the veil, the flowers, had made his hair, and then the dead baby began to cry. I thank for this divine miracle.

Ernestina Sanchez

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My son Antonio began sleep-walking. One night he went out and almost fell in the ravine. Only thanks to the Holy Virgin I was able to stop him in time.

I offer this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan for saving my boy. Now he stays in my mother-in-law’s house recovering from his illness.

Maria de la Luz Rosales de Perez

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I climbed on the chair to get some spices. I lost my balance. I saw my baby sitting down on the floor. I prayed to the Virgin of San Juan and thanks to her I didn’t crush my baby nor the cat because I managed to spin myself in the air and fell near them.

I put a ladder to fix a hole in the wall. The ladder tilted and pushed some pots. My children were down, right under them. I implored the Lord of Blue Eye, and miraculously the pots fell a few inches from the kids and didn’t hurt them. I thank for that miracle.

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I went to walk with my daughter near the forest at dawn. I noticed how we got surrounded by coyotes. I took my girl and entrusted ourselves to the Virgin of Guadalupe, because the animals seemed to be hungry. With the Virgin’s protection I walked slowly through the coyotes. They didn’t attack, so I was able to go away from there. I thank for this miracle with this retablo.

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The Castro sisters went to gather wood and fruits in the mountains. They didn’t notice how they approached the damned cave filled with the demons and their satanic beast. The girls were scared. They entrusted themselves the Virgin of San Juan. They started to walk away very slowly because they say if you’d run the beast would attack you. They thank the Virgin for getting home safe and sound.

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My daughter was coming back from school and met an angry rabid dog. The dog started barking. My girl was scared and thought the dog was going to attack her. But thanks to Saint Quiteria the dog only barked and ate the cookies that my daughter had for her lunch-break. Then the dog left. We thank Saint Quiteria for this miracle because that dog had already bitten many people.

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The boy Jaime Suarez brings this retablo to Saint Anthony the Great thanking him for finally his parents bought him a pair of hamsters. He keeps them in the well-equipped cage.

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A lot of scorpions came from under the roof when I was washing my son Carlitos. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because they didn’t sting us and we managed to kill them all.

Rosa Maria Gonzalez Peña

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Mrs. Alisia thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because her son Juanito is feeling well and his eye is all right. He played with the spin-top and hit himself in the left eye almost losing it.

January 6, 1990
Tacubaya, Mexico City

My daughter Marta suffered from terrible nightmares. She woke up crying because she was chased in her dream by monsters, shadows and eyes in the darkness. I entrusted her dreams to the Divine Shepherdess, and she sent her sweet dreams back to her.

My children were playing on the beach, and my daughter’s doll was taken by a wave. My daughter is a good swimmer so she dived after her doll. But she got tangled in some seaweed and couldn’t get out. I ran to that place where she disappeared but Saint Barbara made so that our brave dog rushed there before me and dragged my girl to the shore pulling by her clothes. I thank the Saint for such a wonderful dog who is a real hero.

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