Holy Virgin, please let my rooster win because I bet my wife.
— tagged with “cockfight”
Holy Virgin, please let my rooster win because I bet my wife.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank Saint Cecily for pulling my wife the Tabascan from singers and making her a cock-breeder like myself. Now her roosters doing very awesome at the arena, and she’s so much happier. Señor Natalia Canto from Comitancillo, Cintalapa, Chiapas ordered to paint his exvoto. Emmanuel Espin painted it in the year 2020 AD.
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
I bet my life in a cock-fight. Thank you, Virgin, I won and saved myself.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Don Carmelo Sanchez thanks Saint Martin the Cavalryman for helping his rooster El Giro to win the fight on the town arena and made him win a lot of money to pay his debts.
Guanajuato, 1947
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I infinitely thank Saint Anthony the Great with this humble retablo for the miracle of healing wounds of my rooster El Pinto. The Blue Rooster was fighting very bravely and hurt mine very bad. Few days later my rooster had to fight him again and this time he won. Now he’s a best rooster in the whole state.
Fortunato Anaya – Aguascalientes, 1954
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Francis of Assisi thanking him for saving my rooster Colorado. He came badly injured from a tough fight, and I was afraid he’d die. I’m very fond of him since he was a gift from my father.
Venustiano Peña ~ Aguascalientes, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I thank the Virgin for the miracle that my red rooster won an important fight.
Pablo Reyes
February 11, 1990
Retablo by David Mecalco
My rooster El Dorado came out from a fight badly injured and couldn’t heal. I prayed Saint Anthony the Great to make a miracle of healing my rooster, and few days after it was recovered. My rooster became even stronger than ever and the week after won over El Pinto, which was a very fierce rooster. Now my roster is the best in the region, and I dedicate this retablo for that, with devotion.
Macario Trujillo ~ Guanajuato, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
There were a cockfight during the town holiday. But one day the audience started to shoot, and a boy was wounded. The Rodriguez family thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
As testimony of my eternal gratitude I thank Saint Michael the Archangel with the present retablo for keeping my rooster Valiente (Valiant) in good health. He made me win a lot of money fighting in the cockpits. And I have a special feeling for him since it was my father’s gift to me.
Venustiano Jimenez
Aguascalientes, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Virgin of San Juan, thank for your favors. A cockfight was going on, and it seemed that my cock was going to win. I cheered him but then suddenly the other cock owner stab me in my eye. My eye fell off and I almost lost it. I thank the Virgin for enlightening the surgeon who worked on me.
Ambrosio Ibarra
Leon, Guanajuato, 1961
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I stopped putting my rooster in fights because we both became old. But I suddenly found myself with a lot of debt and had no opportunities to pay them off. So I asked my rooster if he could fight for the last time during the big feast in Palenque and try to win the grand prize. The rooster agreed to do so. During the fight the enormous enemy-rooster tried to kill my rooster. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe. Thanks to her my rooster won. He got some wounds but he survived. We have payed the debts and there are enough money left for living the rest of our lives.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The Teodoro brothers and Lucio Garcia thanks Saint James the Apostle because they rooster El Giro won over the White Cock which had never lost a fight before. With the money they won they payed off their debts.
Aguascalientes, 1949
Retablo by Flor Palomares