— tagged with “corn fields”

Ricardo Magon was going around his fields the he saw people form another world. They were gathering corn ears. At noticing Ricardo they ran to their ship. It looked like the ship sucked them in and then quickly went up and flew to the Malinche volcano. Ricardo got so scared, he entrusted himself to Saint Micheal the Archangel. He brings this retablo as a testimony.

Acajete, Puebla, 1963

Esperanza Torres loved to run in the corn field to have sex with her boyfriend, until one day they were caught by her mother. Esperanza thanks the Virgin of San Juan for her mother didn’t tell about it to her father and for now she is engaged.

My wife heard a strange noise. She went outside to look what happened. Suddenly she was caught by a nagual. He took her and ran to the corn field. She was scared, she started praying to the Virgin of the Rosary of Talpa. The nagual stopped to eat some crickets, and that moment my wife could escape. She locked herself in the house. Now, when we hear some noise at nights, we do not go out. We thank the Virgin.

Once there was such a terrible heat in California, that all the corn dry and fell out of mealies. And the old Billy Dorset’s bull decided that it was snow and froze to death. I am grateful to the Holy Virgin of Zapopan for this idea occurred only to the bull.

My husband Jose Juan was a sleep-walker. Since he slept naked, he ran out at night naked to dance in the corn field. I was afraid that something might happen to him or he would run to the town and somebody would see him naked. I was ashamed to ask the saint for help because of his nudity. Then I prayed to Saint Lucy, because she is blind and couldn’t possibly see my husband. She made a miracle, and now Jose Juan sleeps at night and doesn’t run.

Joel was working in the corn field when his pig escaped. Joel was sad, but we prayed to you, Virgin of San Juan, so you’d help us to find it. Don Pepe brought it back, and we dedicate this retablo to you.

The Morales’ ranch
San Francisco Chimalpa
June 15, 1990

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My husband Celerino was a sleep-walker. He used to run out at night to dance naked in the field. I was afraid that somebody would see him. Also I was ashamed that the Virgin or the saints could see him nude. So I prayed to Saint Lucy, because she is blind and couldn’t possibly notice my husband’s nudity. She made a miracle, and now my Celerino sleeps at night and doesn’t run.

August 9, 1958

Al palomo del Comalito / To the dove of the griddle

I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of the Rosary. At the feast of Xilonen for the holy shubaa (?) of my town Miahuatlan, field of corn ears, I, as a grinder, found myself in a difficult situation. My head and my arms were in pain. I asked the Virgin to set me for this job that I’m humbly doing. I asked to give me strength so I could prepare tortillas and sell them to the people who wanted to buy my tortillas. I thank the Virgin for I’m back to work after long illness and many disappointments in my life. I offer my retablo with all my devotion.

Miahuatlan de Porfirio Dias
July 1963

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A nagual kidnapped my little son right from the cradle. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the nagual didn’t carry him further than the cornfield. I came running and saw my baby who was sitting and playing with leaves. Also I saw the shadow of the nagual running away.

Aucencio Martinez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because he gave all his harvest to redeem his land from Don Miguel, the one from cantina, to whom he had pawned it. He promises not to drink again. I’m asking for mine and my son Jose’s health. I offer this retablo to you.

San Sebastian Buenos Aires, state of Mexico
August 16, 1983

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