— tagged with “kitchen”

That night, I was thirsty, and I went down at the kitchen to take a glass of water. I was in fear finding some martians there. They were sitting at table and eating. My dog, which always had been a good guard, was hypnotized or paralyzed. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the aliens didn’t notice me and I could escape safe and sound. I hid myself until they were gone.

I was desperate because, since I didn’t know how to cook, all my dishes turned out very bad. I ask Saint Paschal Baylon for help, and now my husband is very happy. He even bought me a lot of pans and pots. My food is very delicious now, and I thank for that.

Josefina Lopez
Chignahuapan, Puebla

On a trip to Mexico, I met a wonderful man, and I married him. The problems started when he asked me to cook for him. I didn’t know how to cook Mexican dishes. So I entrusted myself to Saint Paschal Baylon, with all my faith. Step by step, with his help, I learned how to prepare mole, tacos, chalupas, chile en nogada and tamales. Now my husband is very happy.

Rachel Sheridan

Petra Sanches was making a mole on her kitchen and in the moment when she was grinding chili pepper she accidentally caught her tit in the mortar. She bruised it badly, and she implored to Saint Paschal and got cured. She gives thanks with this retablo.

Puebla, 1925

My mother-in-law always criticized my food because she didn’t like me as a daughter-in-law. It was very difficult for me when we were eating. I was in such despair so I entrusted myself to Saint Paschal, and little by little she changed her attitude towards me. Now she even admits that I cook very well and we live and peace.

Avelina Ramos
Cholula, Puebla

The neighbor’s dogs came and eat up the dinner that I was preparing, while I went to answer the phone. I was very angry and I began kicking them out with a broom. But then I saw their hungry faces, and it touched my heart. Now I bring the leftovers to the patio so the dogs could eat, because my neighbor starves them.

I thank Saint Rita because after many prayers dressed to her we managed to buy a refrigerator. Although it’s a used one, it works just fine, like a new one. My husband and I, we watch for hours how it freezes and how beautiful it is.

Retablo by

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I thank Saint Paschal with this humble retablo because I won the town chiles en nogada contest. Many people ask me about my secret of its delicious taste, and I always say that it is the love that I put in it. My eternal devotion to Saint Paschal.

Petra Tlachi
Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla

Retablo by

When my husband got retired, he started to cook in order to occupy himself. He cooked so terribly, that we all had a stomach-ache from his strange dishes. I was scared that he’d poison all of us. Thanks to my prayers to Saint Paschal, my husband finally got bored with cooking and dedicated himself to gardening.

Petra Sanches was making a mole on her kitchen and in the moment when she was grinding chili pepper she accidentally caught her tit in the mortar. She bruised it badly. Since no remedy helped her she called Saint Paschal and got cured. She gives thanks for this.

Puebla, 1920

I was preparing a marvelous dinner for special guests when I noticed that my dog, who decided that he was a special guest, got at the table and served himself the chicken. I thank Saint Paschal Baylon because with his inspiration I managed to improvise another main course that turned out to be even more delicious than the chicken and the guests complimented me.

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All the red fruits and vegetables in my refrigerator were disappearing. I was intrigued until one night I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and found out that the thief was a vegetarian vampire. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my dog barked and growled and bit him. The vampire got so scared, he never came back, lest he decided to change his diet and to suck my blood.

My mother confirmed my suspicions about my husband when she saw him walking with other women. That’s why he was almost never home and wouldn’t come to sleep sometimes. Then I entrusted myself, with all my heart, to Saint James the Apostle so that he would straighten my husband. And now my hubby is always at home. He even does household chores and cooks. He’s faithful now and I thank for that.

Antonieta Zavala — Yucatan