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Daniel Robles offers this retablo to Saint Patrick thanking him because with his help he managed to purchase the rarest Elvis’ album on the auction sale.

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I thank the Virgin because in spite of my lack of musical talent, thanks to modern technology I can sample songs and make a living out of it.

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I dedicate this retablo to Saint Francis of Paola because at my debut night in the Savoy theatre I was frightened that there was no one in the audience. But it turned out that a very famous producer Andres M*ta bought up all tickets to my show and I had to perform only for him. Don Andres promised me that I’ll be a star and would have a tremendous success.

Adalberto Martinez was tired after work and when he was passing by the cemetery he lay down to have a rest and fell asleep. He was awake because of loud laughs and music. He saw that the dead men had risen from their graves and had a party. Adalbert entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe. Thanks to her he managed to escape unnoticed, because he was afraid they’d invite him to party and he would die out of fear.

I thank the Virgin of the Solitude, because the hours I spent learning piano as a kid gave the result. Now I’m a recognized musician and I give many concerts in different countries. And the music is my passion.

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I dedicate this retablo to Saint Ursula for helping me to play a bunch of Fleetwood Mac songs.

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I thank the Virgin of the Solitude for the opportunity to perform in the concert. I had a great success and was offered various contracts afterwards. I thank the Virgin for her support.

Rosalinda Rubalcaba

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Susan Elizabeth Chen & Jonah Marcel Gilbert Daniel van der Beke, who got married on March 26, 2003, in Bath, England, thank St. Joseph, a patron saint of Belgium, New York, travelers, immigrants and married couples, for two years of their marriage. Also they thank for the Jonah’s Green Card that permits Susan and Jonah live together in New York, with their books, music and their cat Cassie.

Susan Elizabeth Chen & Jonah Marcel Gilbert Daniel van der Beke
March 26, 2005

My fiancé Genaro and I had no money for the wedding. But he had a marvelous idea to get married during the Town Day holiday. So we had musicians and fireworks, and so many fun. And it cost us almost nothing. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.

At the end of the 200th anniversary year, I came back to my land. There I met a stray dog, in which I saw bad intentions. It was approaching to bite me. As I saw its fangs, I, Gil Gutierrez Sanchez, prayed to the Lord of the Lightnings, who having heard me playing on guitar and heard my prayers and protected me from the malicious beast.

Gregorio Zamora used to smoke weed and listen music all day long, until one day his parents kicked him out. He thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for he found job pretty quickly and quit his bad habits.

The Lopez brothers went to the capital. After not finding any job there, they founded a mariachi band. They entrusted themselves to Saint Cecilia, and now they are popular and always in demand. The brothers offer this retablo in gratitude.

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