The cowboy Bernabe Camargo mounted on a very angry bull and hurt his balls. No remedy would help to heal them, and then he implored Saint Pancras, and the balls were healed. He brings this retablo giving infinite thanks for this favor.
Puebla, 1917
— tagged with “testicles”
The cowboy Bernabe Camargo mounted on a very angry bull and hurt his balls. No remedy would help to heal them, and then he implored Saint Pancras, and the balls were healed. He brings this retablo giving infinite thanks for this favor.
Puebla, 1917
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Ruperta Canseco brings this retablo to Saint James giving thanks for she met the painter Frida who helped her to bring her son to the doctor when he received a blow in the balls from a mule.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I persuaded my girlfriend Juanita to make love right in the field where no one could see us. She was so excited she accidentally kicked me in my balls with her knee. I give infinite thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha for the blow wasn’t very serious as I was afraid not being able to have children.
Arnulfo Martinez ~ Zamora, Michoacan
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Heriberto Salazar got himself in a gym and began to take steroids. He became bulked up pretty quickly, but his genitals got very tiny. He thanks Saint John Bosco very much because with his help he managed to recover them a little. He stopped taking steroids as well.
Retablo by Blakkie
Señor Sergio P. thanks Saint Elias with this retablo because he managed to liberate himself from a broad who enjoyed squeezing his balls so he couldn’t even walk.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Teofilo Perez was in a bar when one of his mistresses came there. She wanted to cut his balls for being a womanizer. But he implored Saint James and now thanks him for escaping such a peculiar danger.
Tlaxcala, 1921
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Roberto J. used to breake into houses and steal. But one day a dog bit his balls so he was very close to became a lady. He thanks Saint Judas for his cure and promise to be a good man.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Joaquin Perez was advised to take steroids in order to look like Tarzan. But they caused him a lot of pimples instead and his balls getting tiny. He thanks Saint Charbel for he reacted in time and stopped taking the steroids before damaging himself even more.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Anthony for giving me enough strength to hit this bastard who tried to rape me in the balls. I was able to save my honor.
Señorita Soledad Castillo Garcia
Mexico City, 1973
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
Catarino Telles, Nicolasa Ramirez’ son, was in bad conduiton after being hit in the testicles by a mule. No remedy would help him. Then he was entrusted to the Holy Child of Atocha.The next morning, he woke up healthy. He gives this retablo in gratitude.
Real del Monte, 1909
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Pedro Garcia loved to display himself nude on the street. But one day a lady set her dog on him. The dog bit Pedro in the balls, and he was severely injured. He thanks Saint Charbel for everything has healed up, and he promises to amend now when he’s getting out of jail.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Juvencio Suarez ruptured himself while carrying the sacks with apples. His testicles were in such pain, he couldn’t walk. Nothing could help him, so he prayed the Holy Child Doctor. The next morning, he woke up healed. He thanks for that.
Zacatlan, 1917
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Eufimio Gonzalez thanks his guardian angel for protecting him while he was riding an angry bull. He found himself in danger, prayed to the angel and only got his testicles hurt. But they’re all good now.
Cholula, 1914
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández