— tagged with “wrestlers”

The Caveman and I fell in love with each other during this wrestling season. We moved to live together, and we’re very happy. However, we don’t take off our wrestling masks because it adds mystery to our relationship. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for our happiness.

I met Jose the Caveman in the wrestling. After fighting together we fell in love with each other and became a couple. The problem was that Jose was very jealous for every stupid thing. We ended up fighting and wrestling at home. I was afraid our relationship wouldn’t last, so I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe. She helped me to convince the Caveman that I love only him and no on else. He’s much calmer now and less jealous.

Juanita Ramos thanks Saint Anthony because she became a professional wrestler’s girlfriend. She feels protected now and very flattered for the attention of people we she walks with him.

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for healing my knee that I injured in a fight.

Blue Demon, 12–XII–65

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I thank the Virgin of San Juan from the bottom of my heart for the miracle of winning my first mask for mask fight over The White Whirlwind. The fight was very difficult because my opponent had more experience than I did.

Gold Scorpion
Mexico City

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I went to see the wrestling when it came to our town. During the flight of El Demonio, I noticed that he was falling right on me. I implored you, Virgin of Guadalupe, and you saved me. He fell on another wrestler.

Victoria Lopez
Oaxaca, 1969

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I thank Saint Anthony because Rosita Perez accepted my proposal of marriage, although she is a delicate flower and I’m just a rude wrestler.

The Diabolic Mask

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The boy Alberto Diaz thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because the Angel won over the Black Demon and got the gold belt on the Arena Mexico, because he’s his favorite wrestler.


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The wrestler Jose Luis Fernandez was hit by a chair. His back was injured. He thanks St. John Bosco with this retablo because he recovered very quickly, so he’ll participate in the wrestling championship.

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Atlantis thanks the Virgin for becoming a wrestling champion.

November 1980

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“Thousand Masks” thanks the Virgin for becoming a champion.

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Dear Jude Thaddeus, thank you for keeping my love secret. You know that our love was pure and sincere. Let her be happy in her marriage and don’t forget about me. Give me strength to continue wrestling in this life without love. I’ll never forget that spring evening.

The Crazy Dreamer
Mexico City — October 26, 1995

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14-years old Juanito Cruz thanks the Virgin because the Blue Demon didn’t surrender and defeated the Death. He gave me a wheelchair that he had promised because my legs are hurt and I can’t walk. Look after him, Virgin. He’s my idol and a very good man.

Mexico City, 1990