Selva Prieto Salazar

When we were going by the old road to San Juan de los Lagos to sell apples we met the phantasm of the headless rider. He often appears to travelers and abducts them. When we saw him, we entrusted ourselves to the Virgin of the Rosary. Thanks to her divine protection, the ghost passed by without noticing us. My husband and I turned gray after that, but we arrived to the town and sold our apples.

Seferino Valderrama fell asleep with a cigarette. In his dream he saw the Virgin of Zapopan who told him “Wake up, my son! You’re in danger!” He woke up and saw that his blanket was on fire. He ran to the kitchen for water and extinguished the fire. He thanks for this amazing miracle with this retablo.

January 25, 1943

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I love to read poetry aloud, but my husband and my kids didn’t like it. I went to read under a tree. I noticed that the animals came to listen the sweetness and the power of the worlds I pronounced. I got an attentive audience of the animals and even the birds that surrounded me. I thank Saint Francis for this amazing miracle that makes me happy.

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My sister and I had a walk and heard some meowing. We saw an ugly cat that fell of the cliff and couldn’t get up. I came down for him but couldn’t get up either. My sister tried to help us, but she hadn’t enough strength. We thank Saint Francis for giving additional strength to my sister and she saved us. Altus a cat was ugly he turned out to be very affectionate.

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My son Raul went to the market to buy sausages and on his way back he was attacked by an enormous dog, that jumped on him and knocked him down. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the beast only ate the sausages and the bread and didn’t bite my son.

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My house was filed with legions of cockroaches. They were everywhere, in every corner. Each repellent I used didn’t help. Then I prayed to Saint Francis of Assisi so he would deal with his animals. The Saint might have called them because the next day the cockroaches disappeared.

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My wife loves the cats. She brings every stray cat she found to our house. It’s not that I don’t like that cats. But she let them sleep in our bedroom. They don’t sleep a lot, they play and always wake me up. When I get ready at mornings I find my clothes covered in their hair. I thank Saint Francis of Assisi because my wife finally understood that the cats can’t sleep with us. So now I sleep perfectly.

There was a pair of angry dogs living near our house. When we tried to go out they attacked us. We didn’t know what to do. We felt like prisoners in our own house. We prayed to Saint Quiteria for help. Thanks to her the dogs left us in peace and went to live to another neighborhood, near don Refugio’s house. We thank for that.

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I loved the birds very much. I kept a lot of various birds at home. But one day I thought I have no right to deprive them of freedom, so I decided to let them free. I came to the hill and released all of them. They flew away, but then, when I came back home, they flew back one by one. Now all my birds live in my garden and keep me company with their trills. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this amazing miracle.

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My wife had a difficult labour. But thanks to the Lord of the Wonders she gave birth to a beautiful baby. I offer this retablo because they both are feeling well and I’m very happy to be a father first time.

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My husband Jose Juan was a sleep-walker. Since he slept naked, he ran out at night naked to dance in the corn field. I was afraid that something might happen to him or he would run to the town and somebody would see him naked. I was ashamed to ask the saint for help because of his nudity. Then I prayed to Saint Lucy, because she is blind and couldn’t possibly see my husband. She made a miracle, and now Jose Juan sleeps at night and doesn’t run.

I was washing my baby girl in the river. She was splashing around and got hit by the wave. She started to drown. Horrified, I prayed to the Holy Child the Savior of the World so that she wouldn’t be dragged by the current. The Blessed Child worked the miracle, and I was able to save my little daughter before the river took her away. I dedicate this retablo thanking for everything ended well.

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I was always late for work because I used to turn the alarm off and continue to sleep. I was afraid to lose my job, so I prayed to Saint Francis. Thank to him I found out that if I let the windows open, the birds that wake up with the sun would come to my room and sing me. Now they wake me up with their melodic twitter, and I have a good mood for entire day. I thank Saint Francis for this miracle.

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