Virgin of Guadalupe

Señor Luis Chavez went out and couldn’t remember where he lived. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe with the present retablo because he was found and now is back to his family.

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November 21, torrero El Chicuelo suffered a deadly horn wound, and the Virgin saved his life.

January 20, 1967

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Lovely Mother, I thank you for your blessing and for keeping me in form during almost 30 years of my career. After many victories and many sacrifices, I offer this retablo in your honor.

Espectro I
Mexico, 1980

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Daniel gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because his buddy didn’t notice him hiding in the closet and didn’t find him with his wife putting horns on him. He swears not to do it again.

Tacubaya, Mexico City
January 25, 1985

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because after many prayers she granted me with the great favor and helped me in my fight over the championship against El Salvaje (The Savage) and I won with “la zacatecana” move (?).

Torreon, 1987

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Juan Chuk was fishing in his little boat in the area of Ojo Azul and fell asleep for a moment. He was very much surprised feeling the kick in the boat, he thought it was a dream. An enormous octopus, green and monstrous, climbed in the boat and was reaching for him. Horrified, he started praying the Dark-skinned Lady of Tepeyac and saw two little angels who appeared to help him in his fight against the creature. The octopus went away and took the net with the catch of the day. Juan thanks for stying alive and dedicate this retablo.

Quintana Roo, Mexico, 1974

Pulqueria-bar “La Pescadora” thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe with this ex-voto for the health of all of us and our clients in the time of COVID-19, for letting us keep selling pulque, despite the adversities, and for celebrating 60 years of our pulqueman Margarito.

Mexico City, June 24, 2020

I thank the Virgin for having cured me.

Juan Jose

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Things of love, Virgin of Guadalupe, in which we, people of bohème, can’t tell the difference. I fell in love with Ana and told her to marry me but she rejected me saying that she only wanted my money. Help me, Virgin, to forget her.

Inocente Baeza

The bar “Your way and mine”
Sign over the exit: “Come back soon”
Near the exit: “Women without documents are not allowed”

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Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle that my uncle Toño Lopez G. was saved when he was attacked by a giant crocodile. Thank you, my Mother.


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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you for recovering my son Santiago from a very dangerous open heart surgery. Now he’s feeling well and the flame in his heart is alive more than ever.

Señora Leticia, a grateful mother
Mexico City, December 12, 2005

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Thanks, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my husband forgave me after seeing me in the arms of a so to say friend of mine. We hadn’t seen each other many years, and I invited her for a drink. We began to toast, and she took me to dance, warmed up after drinking. My husband imagined the worst thing about me and wanted to divorce me. I begged you not to let this happen, and he forgave me. I’m very grateful and bring you this retablo.

Mexico, May 18, 1969

A monkey steals fruits. Look after it, Virgin.

Gudelia, 1978

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