— tagged with “accident”

A wrestler fell down on Joaquin Reyes and badly injured his back. Joaquin prayed to Saint James and got better. He thanks for that.

Carlos Bermudes was installing a billboard when he was blown down by wind. He thanks his guardian angel for saving his life because he only broke both his legs.

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3 October 1952, Manuel Campos played with his sisters and fell down the well. His mother, Maria Luisa Campos, gives thanks to the Virgin, Patroness of Zapopan, because he was saved and was just slightly hurt. She offers this retablo to the Virgin.

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March 17, 1953, the stove was exploded because of the raw green branch. I thank Saint Paschal Baylon because me, my little daughter and the cat only got our hair singed a little. But nothing bad happened. I dedicate this retablo.

Alberto Fernandez broke his leg playing soccer. He thanks Saint Juan Bosco with this retablo because the fracture healed, and now he can play again.

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Juan Antonio Ruiz Callo played with my husband’s pistol and deadly wounded himself. I was going to warn him and saw him shot. I implored to Saint Juadas Thaddeus for his life. The bullet went very close to the heart, and he survived. I offer this retablo for the miracle.

Pachuca, Hidalgo

August 16, 1954, Paquito Nuñez leant out over the balcony and remained hanged on. Only thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan’s intervention the sweet potato seller was passing by. He caught the boy before he fell down on the pavement.

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Juaquin Ponce had an accident while stowing boxes. They fell on his legs, so he could remain cripple. A tube hit his head as well, so he knocked out. He dedicates this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha to tell what happened and to let all know about the miracle.

San Luis Potosi
May 10, 1937

When Adelaida Fernandez was coming back from the market, she was hit by the baker on the bike. The hit was so hard that she flew up in the air. She thanks the Virgin of San Juan because miraculously she fell on the lawn and didn’t get injured and only had some bumps.

March 9, 1968

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Pedro Garcia fell off the horse and didn’t come to consciousness, because he hit his head on stones. His brother Raul was scared and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that Pedro would recover his consciousness. And he did, and he didn’t die.