Holy Virgin Mary, many thanks for saving me from damned drugs.
— tagged with “drugs”
Holy Virgin Mary, many thanks for saving me from damned drugs.
Retablo by Unknown artist #47
In the year of 2019, in the city of San Francisco, James Eddy petitioned San Jesus Malverde, the patron saint of drug dealers for assistance. James gives infinite thanks that his supplier, a businessman who shall remain anonymous, respected his wishes to get sober and made no effort to peddle his product when James told him he was finished. James painted this retablo to commemorate the miracle of San Jesus Malverde’s intercession and James’ sobriety which commenced on December 31, 2019. Executed this first day of March 2021 in the City of San Francisco.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
Eufrocina Salazar thanks for not getting stuck in the trip when she took an overdose.
Mexico, July 19, 1958
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
James Eddy gives infinite thanks to God for clearing his cookies after he unknowingly ingested seven 15 mg ganja infused ginger snaps. True story—no bullshit.
San Francisco, California. December 2020
Retablo by James H. Eddy
I give infinite thanks to Saint Michael the Archangel for having worked a miracle of delivering me from the clutches of the vice of drugs. Every day I hallucinated that a demon abused my body, and the fear I felt made me take stronger drugs because I couldn’t control myself.
Zulema Buenrostro
San Miguel de Allende, Gto., 1979
Retablo by Isabel Hernández Velázquez
In March 2016 James Eddy’s financial woes were mounting. He thought if he could work harder he could improve sales so he began to self medicate. After several sleepless months James convinced himself and then tried to convince his wife that he was under surveillance and a target of massive government investigation. Next year James was hospitalized and held in the psychiatric unit for evaluation. The nurse ordered James to fill a Dixie cup for tests and his discharge was contingent upon compliance but James was ashamed and terrified of his wife’s reaction if she learned the truth so he refused. A Mexican standoff ensued and on the eighth day the doctor blinked and nurse Ratchet cut James loose. It wasn’t long before his behavior became even more outrageous. Two officers came to his house to serve a stay away order with fifteen minutes to pack his bags and leave. The next several months he slept in his car and daily hotels when he could afford it. As time dragged on, and his situation grew more dire, he realized how badly he fucked up. He was wrong about many things. His good looks, charm and vivacious personality had not caught the attention of Angelina Jolie and despite his childhood dogs being named ‘William’ and ‘Harry’ he was not a member of the royal family. He missed his ex-wife and children so much he ached in his heart. James decided it was time to pick up the pieces of his life and turn over a new leaf so the new James told the old James to ‘fuck off.’ On December 31, 2019 he called out to God, his family and his friends and asked for their forgiveness. He got sober and in commemoration of this great miracle this retablo was offered.
San Francisco, California, February 27, 2020
Retablo by James H. Eddy
In 2018 James Eddy joined the circus as a funambulist. Funambulism is the skill of maintaining balance while walking along a tensioned wire between two anchored points. In order to perfect his skill James began to practice his high wire act atop craggy mountain tops blanketed in snow and shimmering blue ice. One morning he was as high as a kite when ice crystals suddenly formed on his wire causing him to lose his footing and descend into a deep canyon terminating into a fiery pit near the center of the earth. James was badly hurt and hardly able to walk on his own for more than a year. His situation became dire and he knew he was in too deep so he petitioned San Mateo Gonzalez, Esq. for assistance. Mateo summoned two of his search and rescue apostles, W. Leigh and M. Hinckley, and the team sprang into action. They crossed over the blue ice fields and scaled the craggy mountain peaks before calling out to James and throwing him a life-line. James was dazed and confused but he grabbed onto the rope and began his slow ascent out of the black hole and towards the light at the end of the deep tunnel. This retablo was offered in commemoration of his miracle.
San Francisco, California. 2020
Retablo by James H. Eddy
We thank Jesus Malverde for his favors and for one more year of successful deliveries of drugs to the gringos with the submarine that our boss ordered.
Sinaloa, Mexico, 2006
Retablo by Daniel Fénix García-Rico
I thank the Virgin of San Juan for saving from dying when I took drugs and was high. I’m thanking for the opportunity to live and promise not to fell into the drugs again.
The Fat Man
Tacubaya, Mexico, January 6, 2000
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
We ask Holy Death to return well after crossing the Arizona desert and delivering the coke to get some dollars for our families in Sonora.
Mexico, Sep. 2017, The Walker
Retablo by Daniel Fénix García-Rico
To the Virgin of Guadalupe I give thanks for saving me of staying in a trip.
Jimy Farrera
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
My family members criticize me for studying philosophy in the university for more than 15 years. I thank Saint Jerome for there is this wonderful magic weed that helps me to understand the philosophic concepts. I don’t care what people say and I don’t care about studying so long because with these trips I’ll become the greatest philosopher of the new millennium.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Virgin of Guadalupe, I dedicate you this retablo thanking you for giving me strength to get out from this damn hole where the drugs and bad company kept me. I’m healthy now and realize how much I was losing because of this damn sin. I beg you to never let me fell down again.
Felipe, Tacubaya, Mexico City
December 12, 2013
Retablo by Luis Vilchis