— tagged with “illness”

Thanks to the Virgin for healing Saul from his grave illness.

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I was in my bed with a light fever. Suddenly I saw skeletons around me. They began to perform a complex choreography and asked me to join their absurd dance. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe so she would save me from dancing skeletons and would drive them away. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them turned out that the Virgin worked the miracle. I was in my bed feeling much better, and my illness was gone.

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Margarita Luna had a high fever and it caused her some horrible hallucinations with monsters that stared at her. She woke up crying. Her mother prayed to the Virgin of San Juan so that she would subdue the girl’s fever. The Virgin heard the prayers, and now Margarita has sweet dreams. They thank the Holy Virgin.

Carlota Valdez fell ill with fever. The night she felt pricks. She saw a lot of little red devils. They jumped on her bed and pricked her with their tridents. Carlota thought it was the end and the devils came after her because she used to gossip a lot with her friend Lupe. Carlota prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan promising not to gossip again if the Virgin would save her. The Virgin sent a ray of light that frightened the devils. They disappeared, and the next morning Carlota woke up alive and feeling better.

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Raulito Garcia was so dumb that one day his teacher Sonia Corrales lost her patience and hit him with a ruler. When she saw him unconscious after the blow she prayed the Holy Virgin. The teacher thanks the Virgin because the boy fainted because he had worms and not because she hit him.

My daughter had a fever. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that she’d cure her, and I fell asleep. Suddenly I was awoken by the soft sound of flipping wings. I opened my eyes and saw many glowing angels flying around my daughter’s bed. I though it was a dream. But the next morning my daughter had no fever and wanted to have a breakfast. Then I was certain it was a miracle of the Virgin who sent her angels to cure my girl. I thank the Virgin.

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The Calderon sisters saw a ghost wearing a wedding dress. The ghost was crying in the darkness. The girls got so scared, they became ill. Their mother, doña Rosa, thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for hearing their prayers. Now the girls got better, although they refuse to go outside at night.

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Diana R. had a good idea to cover herself with honey for her boyfriend. But she didn’t know that he has diabetes. So after pleasing her, he ended up at the hospital. He thanks Saint Mathew because he survived.

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After having a very high fever, my husband imagined himself as a superhero from comics. He tried to fly to save the world. I was afraid he’d going to kill himself and I prayed to Saint Peter Martyr. Saint patron of the lunatics, thank you for my husband is back to reason so I don’t have to run after him to the roofs to stop him from flying. Although when he becomes very affectionate at night, he enjoys putting his superhero costume on.

The girl Rosita Fernandez thought it would be fun to blow the trumpet next to her sleeping dad. However, it caused him a heart attack and he was taken to the hospital. Rosita thanks for her father didn’t die and promises to not make such jokes again.

The 4th day of January Dora fell ill with ulcer but Our Lord of Mercy took care of the problem.

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My son Raulito loved when I read tales to him. He loved them so much he even began to read himself, and more quickly than other my children. When I was ill he read me, and it was wonderful. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for such an intelligent and loving son.

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The devil pricked my head with his trident. It caused me a terrible pain. I couldn’t do anything, only sat quietly in semi-darkness suffering. I prayed to Saint Peter Martyr who had suffered the same way. The saint took pity upon me and my pain began to going away. I haven’t had a headache ever since. Thanks for that.

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