Virgin of Guadalupe

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for I realized who are women in reality, where do they come from and why do they have power to seduce.

Oaxaca, Mexico, 1960

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the favor she granted us the last summer when we were at the Caribbean. My children Renato and Mateo were swimming near the beach but suddenly they disappeared from my sight. In despair I implore the Brow-skin girl, and they managed to escape from the attack of monstrous octopuses.

Tulum, 2019

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Señor Toribio Ventura born in Puebla is infinitely grateful to the Holy Virgin Mary of Guadalupe for having recovered his bulls that had been pawned so he could work on his fields. He asks you a lot to send him a good wheat harvest and the wheat did better than ever. With the gathered crop he ordered to make this retablo asking to bless his yoke and so that his seeds would never lack rain. Glory to the Holy Mother!

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Soledad thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for she’s back at this corner to work as a whore after she was stabbed by a client who refused to pay for her service. She was between life and death. She brings this retablo showing her gratitude for the received favor.

January 25, 1985, Mexico

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Every November 2, I go to the cemetery to visit my dead father and to bring him flowers and candles. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo for, despite the modern age and the passage of time, this beautiful tradition didn’t go away. We remember our dear ones who are not with us physically anymore, and it gives us hope to see them again one day.

San Andres Mixquic, Mexico

We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe who saved me and my friend Juan from being enchanted by mermaids singing. When they appear in the sea, they sing and hypnotize men. The mermaids use it to take them far away and make them lost in the sea.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle that my children, who had gone to the other side as illegals, returned to our village and now we all together work with our livestock, for which I dedicate this retablo.

Felipa Toxqui
Calpan, 1955

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Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who worked a miracle for us and saved us from a giant octopus who came out of the sea the other day and tried to attack me and my girlfriend Maria. Thanks, Holy Virgin.

Juan Hernandez G.

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I thank the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe for letting me put offerings to my dead. I saved some money for everything—mole, tequila, sweets, flowers, tamale. I beg for my dear ones so they rest in peace and find eternal light.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the pregnancy test turned out negative because I was very much worried who would be the father.

Ines, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1976

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Calixto Santiago and his wife Carmencita were on their way to the town for milk when an enormous shining flying saucer came out from behind a mountain. They ran away from this big thing, but the saucer chased them and beamed them with light. They implored the Guadalupan for her intervention, and the object submerged in Zumpango lake not to come out.


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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for I arrived right before this lousy priest would rape my boy when I sent him to confess. I ask God to punish this damned priest.

Anastacia Perez Castillo
Mexico City, 1967

Thanks Virgin for giving me courage not to marry that man whom I didn’t love. And my aunts old maids wanted to force to be unhappy.

Mariana, 1976, Oaxaca, Mexico

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