— tagged with “cats”

The cat of Ramona Morales climbed on a pole and couldn’t come down. He sat over there for two days, and Ramona, however hard she tried, couldn’t help him. So she prayed to the Virgin for help. And then arrived a man from the electric company. He had a ladder and he took the pussycat down. The cat was so hungry that he drank a litre of milk. Thank you, Virgin.

22 October 1968

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I was very irritable and quick-tempered. I argued and shouted, and it upset my husband. Therefore my marriage was under threat. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan who gave me the idea of channeling my anger into a pair of knitting needles. Now when I feel that I’m getting angry, I run and grab the knitting and knit furiously. I’ve already knitted sweaters and scarves for the whole family and even for our cats and dog, and I’m still knitting. Now, thanks to this, I can almost always be sweet with my husband and my family.

I love to spoil my cats and to give them nutritious and tasty food. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for having such a sweet and indulgent family who lets the cats eat at table.

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My aunt Honorata made me her only heir, but with one condition, that I take care of her cats. I never liked the cats, so I took it upon myself unwillingly. However, now I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe, because I realized what clean and cute animals the cats are. So now I not only have more money but also a nice cat company.

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After her little brother being born, my daughter changed. She became sullen, angry and grumpy. I was preoccupied, but then my brother left us his cat, because he was going to work in the capital. Since this cat came to our house, my daughter started to behave as before. She plays and talks with cat. And I thank the Virgin for this miracle.

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I felt very lonely in the last years, because I haven’t any partner. But someone brought me abandoned kittens, and I shelter them. I thank Saint Francis because now they are the joy of my house. I only asked the saint to meet a partner who would love my cats, because I can’t imagine my life without them.

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My kitchen was filled with corn demons. I wasn’t able to see them, but they provoke some accidents and were up to mischief. I couldn’t bear it, so I prayed to Saint Paschal for saving me from the demons. And the saint sent me a cat. It came one day on my kitchen and didn’t leave. I wanted to throw it out, but very soon all accidents and mischiefs stopped.

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I thank Saint Anthony because I married a good man who loves me and the animals. He accepted me with my monkey, two dogs, two cats and my little bird. Now we’re all happy on his ranch.

Amalita Moreno had some refreshments in the garden, when the cat push a flowerpot down on her. The pot hit her on the head. Her vision became blurry and she started seeing double. She prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for not going blind. Her prayers were heard and the same week she could see without problems.

After my husband’s death I was so deeply in grief. But the Virgin of Guadalupe brought my husband’s soul back as a cat who one day came to my kitchen. I know it’s him, these are his eyes, the same lonely look and something else. When I saw the cat, I got overwhelmed and filled with emotions. I was so excited. I can’t tell anybody about him because people would say I’m crazy — and it can be the truth. However, the most important thing is that I’m very happy with the cat.

Ines Meneses neglected her kittens, and they went playing with the mole she had prepared. She thanks Saint Paschal Baylon, for she managed to prepare another one in time.

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My TV began to have a lot of static. It was impossible to watch it. I went up to the roof to see what happened to the TV antenna. There I discovered a lot of martians. They had landed on my roof and used the antenna as surveillance tower. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for my cat is very curious. It followed me, and when the martians saw the cat, they escaped out of fear of being eaten. Now my TV works better than ever.

I felt so lonely until one day the Virgin of Guadalupe sent me an abandoned kitten. [...] Now I have a lot of cats.

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