— tagged with “competition”

The cavalryman Jorge Sanchez thanks the Apostle James with this retablo because he won the show jumping competition with his horse. And thanks to that he was decorated by the army.

“The Golden Mask” is thanking the Virgin of San Juan with this retablo because he fairly won the wrestling championship. His rival, “The Sinister Ghost”, wanted to beat him with a trick but “The Golden Mask” noticed it and quickly applied a camel clutch oh him and defeat him.

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My rooster The Colorado had to fight with The White Cock. It was famous for being very fierce. I prayed to Saint Francis of Assisi so that nothing would happen with my rooster and he would survive the fight. No only he survived, but won the fight. Now my rooster is the best in the area. I dedicate this retablo for that.

Clemente Piña

Alfonso Romero thanks Saint Bruno with this retablo because he won the wild duck hunting competition. He is going to donate his reward to various charitable foundations.

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The young man Antonio Romero was participating in a nude bicycle race. He kept gazing at one very nice girl and crashed into a car. He hurt his balls. He thanks St. Philip Neri for the recovery.

Demetrio Hernandez worked as referee in a championship fight, and he was knocked out by mistake of the boxer «Kid» Rodriguez. He thanks St. Patrick with this retablo, because he only lost two teeth and nothing seriously bad happened. Some time later he turned to work.

Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua

The soccer team «The Colorful» thanks St. John Bosco with this retablo because they won the tournament of the Benito Juarez’ school and thanks to that they’re going to participate in the national championship.

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