— tagged with “farming”

I thank the Niñopa because the hipsters started to get interested in the products of small local farmers to prepare their tasty garnachas with organic food. So now my chinampas in Xochimilko, that I always had, help me to pay for the Estefany’s 15th birthday party.

Your faithful and devoted old chilango.
Xochimilko, Mexico City
July 2014

Artemio and Araceli Ramirez prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe because it didn’t rain for a long time and their harvest was drying. The Holy Virgin send them rains and saved the harvest.

Hidalgo, 23 June 1973

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The vegetable garden of the Rios sisters, Rosa and Catalina, was flooded with rabbits. They ate everything but the sisters didn’t dare to kill these little creatures of the Lord. So they prayed to Saint Francis to take the rabbits under his control. The Saint heard them and the rabbits never came back.

San Luis Potosi
June 3, 1969

I was picking oranges and fell from the ladder. My bones are very fragile and I was frightened I might break one. But thanks to the Virgin of San Juan I fell down on my husband, who is very lazy and never helps. I offer this retablo to the Virgin.

A wolf was killing the sheep of the farmer Tomas Gomez. The farmer thanks Saint Anthony the Abbot for he was able to caught the wolf alive. Afterwards the animal was sent to an ecological reserve.

A worker from the don Alejandro’s banana plantation was stung by a venomous snake. The doctor from the hacienda told that he had small chances to survive. But thanks to the prayers of Ana Luisa Hernandez, the wife of the worker, the Virgin of Zapopan saved his life.

My neighbors’s pigs were eating my cabbages. They were very voracious. I prayed to Saint Francis, and he worked a miracle. So now my neighbor keeps his pigs in pigsty. Thanks.

My hens laid big and delicious eggs, but even still my farm had a hard competition with others. I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and then one of my hens laid the biggest egg I’ve ever seen. It made my farm famous. Now people visit me to look at the egg and to buy my production.

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September 1939, the hailstorm threatened the Toribio Ortiz’ sowing. But he entrusted himself to Saint Isidore, and the hail didn’t harm his crop. He thanks for that with the retablo.

San Andrés Chalchicomula

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Juan Ramirez thanks Saint Isidor Labourer with this retablo for the big crop of chile pepper habanero. Now he even thinks about buying an agricultural machinery.

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Saint Isidore, thank you for bringing us the rains. My cows were dying without water and there was no place to graze them.

Felipe & Fidel
Metepec, Mexico
June 7, 1990

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We give thanks to Saint Jesus Malverde for giving us a good harvest of marijuana. Now we are going to sell it and buy cows and pigs.

Juan & Josefa Mirta

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St. Isidore the Labourer. thank you for sending us the rains that brought the land to life. It didn’t yield for years because of the drought that had struck the villages around Metepec. I prayed for you help, and you send it to us. I bring you this retablo on your feast day, May, 15, 1960.


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