— tagged with “fear”

The grandmother Macaria’s house is very big and very old. When we came to stay with her for few days, my girls went to the bathroom which was far from their bedrooms. On their way they met a ghost that was wondering around the house. They were very frightened. They were shaking and couldn’t speak. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they have recovered from this fear and they even want to see the ghost again.

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For the last 25 years I’ve been working as a watchman in the Mummies museum in Guanajuato. Although it’s been a long time, I couldn’t get over the fear of staying with mummies at nights. I thank Saint Benedict for giving me his protection since nothing has ever happened to me.

Abelino Gutiérrez \ Guanajuato, Mexico

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1915, Chiautenpan, Plutarco Sandoval met a bull on his way out of a bar. The bull started to chase him. Plutarco thanks the Holy Virgin for the bull didn’t get him and he only shat his pants out of fear.

Marcela and her boyfriend Armando were kissing under a tree when the ghost of the Weeping Woman appeared to them. She approached them and began weeping and crying. Marcela was so scared she got sick after the scene. She couldn’t stop stutter for three days. sSe didn’t want to die because of the stutter, and she got pain in her stomach also, so she prayed the Holy Child of Atocha. Thanks to the saint she got recovered, the fear and the stutter have gone.

Casimiro Ramos was about to make his debut as a boxer. But when he came up to the ring, he felt so scared he peed himself. He thanks Saint John Bosco with this retablo for, despite this embarrassment, he stood and fight and won.

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Jorge Gutierrez had an idea to propose to his girlfriend dressing as clown without knowing that she is afraid of them. He thanks Saint Pancras with this retablo for he didn’t kill her with a heart attack.

On our way back from the grand mother Martina’s house, we had to pass near the cemetery. We met an rest soul there. Ut started chasing us, and we ran in fright parking to the Virgin of Zapopan. Thanks to her nobody of us got sick with fear and I didn’t have miscarriage at five month of pregnancy. We dedicate this retablo.

Gregorio Meneses was sleeping why he felt something weird. He switched on the light and saw himself surrounded by enormous spiders. He entered into panic. He thanks Saint Jude Thaddeus for surviving this scare, and now he’s going through therapy.

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I took my children to visit my grand-mother. We were chatting with her so long so it was pretty late when we were ready to return home. We chose a short way—through the woods. It was very scary at night. It seemed that the trees had angry faces and the branches became long hands and they tried to catch us. The animals around us were crying and making scary noises. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for protecting us on our way. We arrived home safe and sound. At home, I made us some hot lime-flower tea in order to get over the fear.

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One morning Lupita Mendez woke up, and her room was filled with giant black butterflies. She thanks Saint Rita with this retablo for she didn’t have a heart attack although she was very frightened.

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Enrique A. thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because he finally managed to overcome his arachnophobia, with help of a very good therapist.

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We went to the grandfather’s ranch. There was no toilet in the house, so we had to go to use the latrine at the corral. That night, my daughters went there, and they saw a horrible ghost on their way. The poor children got sick from terror. I prayed to the Virgin of San Juan, and thanks to her the girls recovered from the fright very quickly.

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I thank Saint Francis of Assisi because during all this time I haven’t received anything more serious than small cuts and bruises caused by my godfather known as Elvis the Knife Thrower. In spite of improving his act, he still has to practice a lot. And I keep living in fear.

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