Gonzalo Hernández

Enriqueta Lezama Romero dedicates this retablo to Saint Charbel thanking him because the tornado didn’t hit her house and passed by.

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Agustin A. was very frustrated because he had no beard. He prayed a lot to Saint Jude Thaddeus, and the beard started growing. It was growing so plentiful, so he even began to shave it. He brings this retablo thanking for such an enormous favor.

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The cadet Rafael Vasquez got drunk and—being in this inappropriate state—shot his superior. He thanks the Merciful Lord for he was only sentenced to five years in prison and the wounded man suffered no bad consequences.

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Ricardo Mendoza thanks Saint Charbel for he is the current champion in powerlifting of his neighborhood.

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Ana Maria Rosete became a widow and decided to sell piñatas. The things went very well. She thanks the Virgin of Juquila for her help with this retablo.

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Yolanda Ramirez forgot about a date with her boyfriend in a motel and ate a lot of beans. So when they finally met she couldn’t hold her massive farts. She thanks Saint Elias because her boyfriend—although he was a little bit annoyed—forgave her.

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Juan Ramos was installing big umbrellas on the beach, when the strong wind took him in the air. He thanks Saint Jude because he fell not from a great height and only injured a rib.

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The parents thank the Virgin of the Solitude because their children found the courage to report a teacher who used to spank them. So now he pays for his misdemeanors.

Enrique Martinez went to sing a serenade and was met with bullets. He thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because everything ended well. He promises to not get involved with married women anymore.

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Gerardo Montiel offers this retablo to Saint Patrick thanking him because he played the spiderman very well.

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Pedro Munguia and Rosa L. were caught having sex in shower. They thank Saint Raymond with this retablo for they were pardoned, and now they’re going to get married.

Eugenia Ramos had an affair with a young man who was really interested only in her money. She thanks Saint Raymond for having enough strength to fight this obsession.

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Gumara Tecanguey found herself in grave danger. Her husband was about to shoot her because of evil tongues telling him that she’d cheated on him. She thanks the Virgin of the Solitude for protecting her and her husband couldn’t prove anything.