Unknown artist #3

Everyone was gossiping about my person. I was tired of so much gossip and I prayed Saint Raymond Nonnatus and asked him for help so this would stop. He heard me and calmed everyone down. Now everyone talks with me and greats me well. Thanks to Saint Raymond.

Petronila Reyes M.
August 31

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I thank the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception because my husband has returned to me. Two years ago, he left me pregnant and went to another woman. I thank you, Virgin, for bringing him back to me. I dedicate this humble retablo to you.


We had a trouble-making broad in our neighborhood. She attacked anybody for the least thing. We tried even not to look at her to avoid problems. I prayed to the Virgin of Regla so that she’d keep her in hand. Then she moved out from our neighborhood. I thank the Virgin because our life is much calmer now.

Rosa Cavel
December 25

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I was selling birds when I noticed a string of cats following me. They wanted to eat my poor birdies. I asked the Virgin of Zapopan for help, and suddenly a dog appeared that chased the cats. I thank the Virgin for that.

Anastacio Sanchez

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I give thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha for helping me. When I was being a victim of assault, I was helped by the police after I had implored the Holy Child.

Leonila Sustaito R.
December 25

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I thank Saint Barbara for making my dream came true after so many years. Now I have a house. Also I bought a car. But the most important it’s my beautiful wife. For all that, I thank with the retablo.

Arturo Ramirez

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Thanks to Saint Cecily for helping me to stay away from alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Rolando Renteria S.
11 August

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My boyfriend went to work abroad. I had no news from him for a while, so I was sad. I asked St. Francis of Assisi for a sign. And one day a flock of birds flew over to me and told me good news about my boyfriend. I thank St. Francis for I was able to communicate with the birds.

Oralia Nava

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I entered in the bakery and saw some devils eating the cakes. For a moment I was frightened but then I summoned up my courage and prayed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola. And the devils immediately vanished. Thanks to Saint Ignatius.

Tiburcio Adacias
31 July

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I kept constantly seeing diabolical apparitions. I prayed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola for help, and after that they disappeared.

Santiago Castro
31 July

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My sons went to the movie to watch a movie with monsters and mummy without asking my permission. After the movie they were so scared, that when they were going through a dark alley they imagined that there was a mummy growling at them. But my Samuel took out his medallion of the Virgin of San Juan, and the mummy got scared. So the kids ran away, and this monster didn’t follow them. I thank the Virgin for protecting my sons.

Ana Lopez

I thank the Virgin of the Solitude for the opportunity to perform in the concert. I had a great success and was offered various contracts afterwards. I thank the Virgin for her support.

Rosalinda Rubalcaba

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