Conrado Arranz thanks Saint Michale the Archangel for being saved from crashing onto another car in a turn when they were going to climb La Malinche.
October 2020
Conrado Arranz thanks Saint Michale the Archangel for being saved from crashing onto another car in a turn when they were going to climb La Malinche.
October 2020
Retablo by Teresa Irene Barrera
I wanted to surprise my family so I dressed up as Santa Claus and got in the house to put the gifts around. One thing I didn’t think through is that my dog Rambo wouldn’t recognize me, attack me and chase all around the house. I thank Saint Charbel for my wife could hold the dog before he did more damage to the house and bit my rented Santa Claus costume in pieces.
Abelino Torres, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
A dead plays with the boy Luis. Thanks for he doesn’t hurt him.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Azucena gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping her to find a job as a prostitute to make money for her son’s heart surgery whom she loves so much. She asks you to always protect her in her job, Virgin.
January 25, 1999, Mexico
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Victor C. and Cristina M. wanted each other very much, but they didn’t have money for the hotel so they made love in the pigeonry. They infinitely thank Saint Francis for nobody noticed them, although it wasn’t very pleasant because of too much pigeon poo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I wanted to add more realism to my character from the pastorale, and I had an idea to put more flares. By accident, I put the tail of my costume on fire. I thank the Lord of Chalma for one of my companions acted fast and found an extinguisher. If not I would have got all burned because everybody was thinking it was part of our performance.
Cirilo Reyes, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
With this retablo, I’d like to thank Saint Jude Thaddeus for all the times he has saved me from death. I always entrust myself to him because I know I’m a hard case.
Retablo by Tenochtitlán de Marco
I ask the Virgin of Guadalupe for this bizarre animal that comes out from the corn field every night and goes to the nopal cacti and then disappears, I ask for him not to be evil and better if he’d go away.
Retablo by Luz Cadena
Holy Mary, thanks, Holy Virgin Mary, for your loving protection, thanks for your love and this rebirth, thanks for this serenity after so many difficulties.
Retablo by Unknown artist #47
Mr. Mario Rosales came home and found his little son at the bottom of the pool. He gives infinite thanks to Child of Atocha with the present retablo for he saved him in time and the son didn’t have consequences.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
We thank Jesus Malverde because the cartel people brought the Christmas presents to the children, as they do every year.
Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, 2018
Retablo by Daniel Fénix García-Rico
I heard some noise in the night, I woke up and saw a dead men coming into the house. I implored you, Virgin of Guadalupe, not to let him come to me, and you heard me. Thanks.
Inez Perez, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1964
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
We thank Holy Mary for when a cat similar to ours, with the same spot on the tail, got the habit of coming to our house, we were able to tell one from another and let inside only our cat, who came from Ural. Since then we feed the other cat in the yard, but two times per day.
Marat, Nastya, Egor
Retablo by Sasha Makarska