I was swimming when an enormous fish began to swallow me. I was so scared I began to pray the Holy Heart for help. Suddenly the monster had a hiccup and I escaped from it.
Tulum, 2019
I was swimming when an enormous fish began to swallow me. I was so scared I began to pray the Holy Heart for help. Suddenly the monster had a hiccup and I escaped from it.
Tulum, 2019
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
I was training for a bicycle competition in my beautiful Cozumel when a damned stone—which I couldn’t avoid—made me lose the control of the bike… the handlebar flew off at the same time. Frightened to fall to the ravine, I entrusted myself to the Holy Heart, and, in its infinite goodness, it saved me from dying.
Maria, Cozumel, Mexico, 2020
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Thanks for the virus didn’t do anything to us. The piglets chased it away.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Alfonsina Mendez was born with a monkey face, and an orangutan fell in love with me.
Mexico, 1974
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
With this retablo, I thank the Sacred Heart for all the blessings I received during the 2010–2011. I was waiting one year for my residence permit in Norway, during which I had no work permit, no money, no home, no family, no food or anything. But many angels along the way helped me.
07/03/2011, Oslo, Norway
Daniel Garcia
Retablo by Daniel Fénix García-Rico
August 6, 2000, I was diving in Tulum. I was alone and everything was going great. When the evening came and I decided to get out and come back, I felt the presence of sharks. I was getting in the boat when one of them caught my leg. Seeing it, I implored the Holy Heart. I stretched for the harpoon, grabbed it and shot. Although the shark took my leg, I took its life.
Massimo Crotone ~ Tulum, Mexico, 2001
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Fermin Acosta brings this ex-voto thanking the Holy Heart because a she-devil didn’t do me any damage when she wanted to take me to hell.
Guanajuato, 1941
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
When I was delivering bread an angry dog attacked me and I drop everything on the ground. Thanks to the Holy Heart I just dusted the bread off and nobody noticed it. This retablo is in memory of this.
Silao, Gto., 1965
Luis R.
Retablo by Victor Ramón
Marvelous Heart, thank you because all the surgeries I went through came out very well. I’m happy and living my dream because that’s who I am and all I’m going to do is for love.
Julio / July
Condesa, Mexico City — June 20, 2015
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Pancho Moreno brings this retablo to the Miraculous Holy Heart of Jesus which I thank for letting me stay with the smoking hot Nina and, despite COVID-19, dine this Goddess out which I never forget. Uuuiiii!
Pancho Moreno
Xalapa, Veracruz, 2020
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
I thank the Holy Heart because the nagual that jumped out of the well didn’t hurt me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Castulo Ramirez brings this retablo to the Heart giving thanks because you delivered me from a woman from outer space who wanted to take me with her to the sky and have some kids, but you saved me.
Otumba, 1932
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Blessed Holy Heart, thank you because he returned to me after—they were telling—he had gone to a woman but it wasn’t true. Now he’s here as you promised me.
Richi — Interlomas, Mexico, 2007
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis